(Москва) - русские горячие новые ленты сексом они распространились и Посольством США в Москве не нравится один бит.
Посол Джон Байерли настаивает на том, видеозапись одного из своих сотрудников с проститутками "четко ложными". Байерли подал официальную жалобу в министерство иностранных дел России.
Он сказал, цитирую: "Я думаю, что есть люди, которые не хотят, чтобы американо-русский отношения улучшаться.
Это прискорбно ".
Байерли говорит видео микс из порно видео и фактической кадры Дипломат Кайл Хатчер в гостиничном номере в Москве.
Хэтчер работа является охват и религиозных организаций по правам человека в России.
Байерли говорит секс ленту, которая была размещена на сайте "Правда", было сделано, чтобы дискредитировать политическую работу Хэтчера.
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пятница, 21 августа 2009 г.
дом 2 ру и женщины и девушки
Вспомните понятие "сестричества"? Этот причудливый реликт идея о том, что девушки, причитающейся ей с другими женщинами, что они виснут через потолки и перейдите мужчины мира? Это может быть просто принятие новых корней в самых неожиданных местах - среди женщин, имеющих деньги. Есть все больше женщин дома 2 контроля больше богатства в США, чем когда-либо прежде. (Из них в богатых ярус стране - они определены в IRS, как лица с активами не менее 1,5 млн. долл. США - 43 процентов составляют женщины.) дом 2 ру И, в отличие от женщин, которые предшествовали них - старой школы покровителей, которые отдали в музей и симфоническими и умерших мужей Алма-мастеров - таких работников в большей степени использовать свои богатства преднамеренно и систематически помощи нуждающимся женщинам.
Перейти к следующему пункту
Другие статьи в этом вопросе
* Почему Права женщин являются причиной нашего времени
* Хиллари Клинтон последней кампании
* Школьницы против афганского джихада
* При развитии делает жизнь сложнее Дочери дом 2
* Г-жа Председатель: Вопросы для Эллен Джонсон-Серлиф
Отправить свою историю в дом 2
Отправить свой рассказ описанием наилучшей организации или проекта, работать над образованием девочек и расширение прав и возможностей женщин.
* Добавить свою историю
Добавить дом 2 фото
Поделитесь своими домом фотографиями, которые лучше всего иллюстрирует тему расширения прав и возможностей женщин.
* Загрузи свое эротического дом 2 фото
Боб Лондон
Источник: Фонд центра и женщин Финансирование Сети.
Чтобы оценить масштабы этих изменений, вернитесь 150 лет или около того к женщинам избирательное право передвижения. Назад, когда один из ее лидеров, Матильда порно в доме 2 dom 2, сетовал: "Нам еще предстоит услышать о женщине богатств, кто оставил все для освобождения своего пола. Почти все газеты предвещает того, некоторые крупные завет колледжи, церкви и благотворительных организаций богатых женщин, но это общеизвестный, что они никогда не помню женщина избирательное движение, которое лежит на важность всех других ".
Тогда скачок вперед в настоящее время во всем мире, более 145 фондов с активами почти полмиллиарда долларов, существуют для улучшения жизни женщин и девочек. Многие сосредоточить свои усилия внутри страны, около трети работы на международном уровне. Ни один существовали в 1972 году, когда г-жа фонд дома 2, первый национальный фонд и женщин, была создана. В совокупности они в настоящее время составляют женщины финансирования сети и планирует увеличить их совместной казну другой миллиардов долларов к 2018 году, во взаимодействии с диска называется Перемещение Миллионы женщин, которая направлена на поощрение людей, в основном женщины, пожертвовать $ 1 млн. и более. Цель состояла в том, чтобы привлечь $ 150 млн. в течение трех лет, а цель этой весной превысила на 30 млн. долл. дом 2 США.
Миллионы женщин Переезд начался с буквальным сестричества из LaKelly Хелен Хант и Swanee охота. Дочери легендарного нефтепромышленник HL Ханта, они были подняты ", как Южно-художественная", говорит Хелен - учили, что деньги-то женщина, "не следует волноваться ей очень мало головой о." Как взрослые они обнаружили власть филантропии, и о Три года назад Swanee (чей собственный nonbelle карьеры включает лет в качестве посла в Австрии и лекторов в Гарвардской школе Кеннеди в правительстве, где она учит, что гендерное равенство является способом обеспечения мира и возрождения обществ) призвал Хелен с предложением. "Она говорит, что она собирается оставить меня много денег в ее воли", Элен говорит: "но я бы умереть в доме 2 первой и уничтожить удивлению, так почему не дать ей это для меня сейчас". dom2 в размере 6 млн. долл. США, а $ 4 млн. больше от Елены, стал первоначальных взносов для этой кампании.
Хелен была мотивирована в части ее собственного исторического исследования. При написании своей докторской диссертации о происхождении феминизм, она образует вместе с доказательствами, что богатые женщины сидели в стороне во время борьбы за право участвовать в голосовании. "Женщины дали сердца, ума, тела, разума, воли, крови, пота и слез, но не их доллары", говорит она. "Женщины не избирательного фонда 2 ; в настоящее время женщины являются финансирование женщин. Это историческое значение. "
Некоторые из этих новых стиле благотворители имеют знакомые названия. ЭТОМ приходит на ум дом 2, так же как Авигея Disney, а grandniece из Уолт's, которая вместе со своим мужем Пьером Хаузер, создал фонд "Дафна", в 1991 году, а также Дженнифер Баффет, невестка из Уоррен, который является сопредседателем Ново Фонда и ее муж, Петр, как дают большую часть своих денег на программы, поддержку малоимущих женщин и девочек. Но большинство имен не так хорошо известны - как Kayrita М. Андерсон, дочь в housecleaner, чьи семьи фундамент дал более $ 2 млн., чтобы помочь остановить детскую проституцию. Или Jacki Zehner, первой дом женщины-трейдера, чтобы стать партнером в Goldman Sachs и чьи семьи основу обещали миллион к ВДМ кампании.
В целом, женщины дают иначе, чем мужчины. Они вряд ли хотят, чтобы их имена вещей, и более вероятно, как часть приводов (крупные, как Перемещение Миллионы женщин, и мелкие, как и гостиная "давать круг"), которые включают и другие женщины. И они, как правило, прожектор различных причин (здоровье женщин, микрофинансирование предприятий, владельцами которых являются женщины), и по разным причинам. Изучение более 10000 крупных доноров в Центре дома 2 по благотворительности при Университете Индианы говорят о том, что в то время как мужчины описывают их предоставление в качестве практических - заполнить пробелы, которые правительство не может или не будет - женщины описывают их как эмоциональные, обязаны помочь тех, кто меньше.
За все это предоставление лежит теория о том, что оказание помощи женщинам и детям это путь, чтобы изменить планету. "Семьдесят процентов людей, живущих в нищете без дома 2, во всем мире составляют женщины и дети, говорит Кристин Grumm, президент и исполнительный директор по делам женщин Финансирование Сети. "Если женщины имеют крыши над головой, а дома, свободной от насилия, и хорошее и доступное медицинское обслуживание, то так и детей. В более широкой картины, он не только женщин, но и целых общин. Женщины являются проводниками перемен, через которые производится ".
Какое изменение этой X-экономической парадигмы, связанные будет довести до сих пор открытый вопрос. Но уже очевидно, что женщины находят их финансирования дом, и они, возможно, нашли новый единство загрузиться. "Вы слышали, что старые детские рифма?" Просит ру Хелен Хант. "А король-то в подсчете дом подсчета всех денег, королева в гостиной, ели хлеб и мед?" Не больше, говорит она. Сейчас "Королева там счета, слишком". И она принесла целую комнату ее друзей.
Лиза Белкин является вклад писателя и автора данного дом ру блога.
Перейти к следующему пункту
Другие статьи в этом вопросе
* Почему Права женщин являются причиной нашего времени
* Хиллари Клинтон последней кампании
* Школьницы против афганского джихада
* При развитии делает жизнь сложнее Дочери дом 2
* Г-жа Председатель: Вопросы для Эллен Джонсон-Серлиф
Отправить свою историю в дом 2
Отправить свой рассказ описанием наилучшей организации или проекта, работать над образованием девочек и расширение прав и возможностей женщин.
* Добавить свою историю
Добавить дом 2 фото
Поделитесь своими домом фотографиями, которые лучше всего иллюстрирует тему расширения прав и возможностей женщин.
* Загрузи свое эротического дом 2 фото
Боб Лондон
Источник: Фонд центра и женщин Финансирование Сети.
Чтобы оценить масштабы этих изменений, вернитесь 150 лет или около того к женщинам избирательное право передвижения. Назад, когда один из ее лидеров, Матильда порно в доме 2 dom 2, сетовал: "Нам еще предстоит услышать о женщине богатств, кто оставил все для освобождения своего пола. Почти все газеты предвещает того, некоторые крупные завет колледжи, церкви и благотворительных организаций богатых женщин, но это общеизвестный, что они никогда не помню женщина избирательное движение, которое лежит на важность всех других ".
Тогда скачок вперед в настоящее время во всем мире, более 145 фондов с активами почти полмиллиарда долларов, существуют для улучшения жизни женщин и девочек. Многие сосредоточить свои усилия внутри страны, около трети работы на международном уровне. Ни один существовали в 1972 году, когда г-жа фонд дома 2, первый национальный фонд и женщин, была создана. В совокупности они в настоящее время составляют женщины финансирования сети и планирует увеличить их совместной казну другой миллиардов долларов к 2018 году, во взаимодействии с диска называется Перемещение Миллионы женщин, которая направлена на поощрение людей, в основном женщины, пожертвовать $ 1 млн. и более. Цель состояла в том, чтобы привлечь $ 150 млн. в течение трех лет, а цель этой весной превысила на 30 млн. долл. дом 2 США.
Миллионы женщин Переезд начался с буквальным сестричества из LaKelly Хелен Хант и Swanee охота. Дочери легендарного нефтепромышленник HL Ханта, они были подняты ", как Южно-художественная", говорит Хелен - учили, что деньги-то женщина, "не следует волноваться ей очень мало головой о." Как взрослые они обнаружили власть филантропии, и о Три года назад Swanee (чей собственный nonbelle карьеры включает лет в качестве посла в Австрии и лекторов в Гарвардской школе Кеннеди в правительстве, где она учит, что гендерное равенство является способом обеспечения мира и возрождения обществ) призвал Хелен с предложением. "Она говорит, что она собирается оставить меня много денег в ее воли", Элен говорит: "но я бы умереть в доме 2 первой и уничтожить удивлению, так почему не дать ей это для меня сейчас". dom2 в размере 6 млн. долл. США, а $ 4 млн. больше от Елены, стал первоначальных взносов для этой кампании.
Хелен была мотивирована в части ее собственного исторического исследования. При написании своей докторской диссертации о происхождении феминизм, она образует вместе с доказательствами, что богатые женщины сидели в стороне во время борьбы за право участвовать в голосовании. "Женщины дали сердца, ума, тела, разума, воли, крови, пота и слез, но не их доллары", говорит она. "Женщины не избирательного фонда 2 ; в настоящее время женщины являются финансирование женщин. Это историческое значение. "
Некоторые из этих новых стиле благотворители имеют знакомые названия. ЭТОМ приходит на ум дом 2, так же как Авигея Disney, а grandniece из Уолт's, которая вместе со своим мужем Пьером Хаузер, создал фонд "Дафна", в 1991 году, а также Дженнифер Баффет, невестка из Уоррен, который является сопредседателем Ново Фонда и ее муж, Петр, как дают большую часть своих денег на программы, поддержку малоимущих женщин и девочек. Но большинство имен не так хорошо известны - как Kayrita М. Андерсон, дочь в housecleaner, чьи семьи фундамент дал более $ 2 млн., чтобы помочь остановить детскую проституцию. Или Jacki Zehner, первой дом женщины-трейдера, чтобы стать партнером в Goldman Sachs и чьи семьи основу обещали миллион к ВДМ кампании.
В целом, женщины дают иначе, чем мужчины. Они вряд ли хотят, чтобы их имена вещей, и более вероятно, как часть приводов (крупные, как Перемещение Миллионы женщин, и мелкие, как и гостиная "давать круг"), которые включают и другие женщины. И они, как правило, прожектор различных причин (здоровье женщин, микрофинансирование предприятий, владельцами которых являются женщины), и по разным причинам. Изучение более 10000 крупных доноров в Центре дома 2 по благотворительности при Университете Индианы говорят о том, что в то время как мужчины описывают их предоставление в качестве практических - заполнить пробелы, которые правительство не может или не будет - женщины описывают их как эмоциональные, обязаны помочь тех, кто меньше.
За все это предоставление лежит теория о том, что оказание помощи женщинам и детям это путь, чтобы изменить планету. "Семьдесят процентов людей, живущих в нищете без дома 2, во всем мире составляют женщины и дети, говорит Кристин Grumm, президент и исполнительный директор по делам женщин Финансирование Сети. "Если женщины имеют крыши над головой, а дома, свободной от насилия, и хорошее и доступное медицинское обслуживание, то так и детей. В более широкой картины, он не только женщин, но и целых общин. Женщины являются проводниками перемен, через которые производится ".
Какое изменение этой X-экономической парадигмы, связанные будет довести до сих пор открытый вопрос. Но уже очевидно, что женщины находят их финансирования дом, и они, возможно, нашли новый единство загрузиться. "Вы слышали, что старые детские рифма?" Просит ру Хелен Хант. "А король-то в подсчете дом подсчета всех денег, королева в гостиной, ели хлеб и мед?" Не больше, говорит она. Сейчас "Королева там счета, слишком". И она принесла целую комнату ее друзей.
Лиза Белкин является вклад писателя и автора данного дом ру блога.
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пятница, 1 мая 2009 г.
Баутин Сергей Владимирович
Баутин Сергей Владимирович (родился 11 марта 1967 года в Рогачёв, Белорусская ССР) является отставной лед хоккеиста, который играл в хоккей Национальная лига за Виннипегскую Реак, Detroit Red Wings и Сан-Хосе акулы.
Виннипегскую Реак ГМ Майк Смит редакции Баутин в первом туре, 17 в целом в 1992 году НХЛ Вступление Проект.
Сергей оказался играет 130 игр для Реак, скоринг 5 целей и 25 помогает в 30 точках, сбор штраф 176 минут. Он носил номер 3, и, как правило, в паре с коллегами российские Игорь Уланов.

8 Марта, 1994, Баутин, вместе с Bob Essensa был торгуются с Detroit Red Wings для Тим Cheveldae и Даллас Дрейк. После своего пребывания в Детройте, а затем Сергей подписанного в качестве свободного агента в Сан-Хосе акулы в 1995 году. Он играл на оставшуюся часть сезона 1995/96 в Сан-Хосе в МГП филиала, в Канзас-Сити Блейдс.
В дополнение к его опыту НХЛ, Баутин является важным членом в 1992 году единой команды (бывший Советский Союз), где они получили золотую медаль в отличие избиение Канада 3-1.
Сергей продолжал свою карьеру играл за команду в Швеции, Германии и Японии до окончания своей карьеры в России.
После его выхода на пенсию, он вернулся в Канзас-Сити, где, начиная с января 2009 года, он является главным тренером в Канзас-Сити в вне забияка А.А. хоккейной команды. Он также работает различных хоккейных лагерей в течение всего лета, которая сосредоточена на развитии индивидуального игрока. Игроки ставятся через серию хоккей повышение упражнения, которые помогают друг конькобежцем полной мере реализовать свой потенциал. В Канзас-Сити область благословил иметь такой выдающийся хоккейный талант участие в молодежной программе.
Он также участвует в Канзас команда, которая снова игрок программы развития, но с emphesis по команде играть и химии. Группы делятся по рождению лет и свои заседания два раза в неделю. Все Баутин программы размещаемыми ледового спорта в Канзас-Сити Арена.
Виннипегскую Реак ГМ Майк Смит редакции Баутин в первом туре, 17 в целом в 1992 году НХЛ Вступление Проект.
Сергей оказался играет 130 игр для Реак, скоринг 5 целей и 25 помогает в 30 точках, сбор штраф 176 минут. Он носил номер 3, и, как правило, в паре с коллегами российские Игорь Уланов.

8 Марта, 1994, Баутин, вместе с Bob Essensa был торгуются с Detroit Red Wings для Тим Cheveldae и Даллас Дрейк. После своего пребывания в Детройте, а затем Сергей подписанного в качестве свободного агента в Сан-Хосе акулы в 1995 году. Он играл на оставшуюся часть сезона 1995/96 в Сан-Хосе в МГП филиала, в Канзас-Сити Блейдс.
В дополнение к его опыту НХЛ, Баутин является важным членом в 1992 году единой команды (бывший Советский Союз), где они получили золотую медаль в отличие избиение Канада 3-1.
Сергей продолжал свою карьеру играл за команду в Швеции, Германии и Японии до окончания своей карьеры в России.
После его выхода на пенсию, он вернулся в Канзас-Сити, где, начиная с января 2009 года, он является главным тренером в Канзас-Сити в вне забияка А.А. хоккейной команды. Он также работает различных хоккейных лагерей в течение всего лета, которая сосредоточена на развитии индивидуального игрока. Игроки ставятся через серию хоккей повышение упражнения, которые помогают друг конькобежцем полной мере реализовать свой потенциал. В Канзас-Сити область благословил иметь такой выдающийся хоккейный талант участие в молодежной программе.
Он также участвует в Канзас команда, которая снова игрок программы развития, но с emphesis по команде играть и химии. Группы делятся по рождению лет и свои заседания два раза в неделю. Все Баутин программы размещаемыми ледового спорта в Канзас-Сити Арена.
среда, 22 апреля 2009 г.
Lyrics about Putin
Lyrics about Putin from the guard
You came from second-tier
Officials at the head of the country.
Texas zlopyhateley columns
Hope full of pride,
With the modest man from St. Petersburg
Servile will hold their course.
But you through a political blizzard
I heard our hyperborean pulse.
Now, sit, agape in Texas
The "Big Eight jaw hang.
Russia returns vosvoyasi
All taken ten years ago:
Prestige, authority, the revenues from oil
Growing, and people in the night the Kremlin
Looks like hiding in fear of his whip,
Cowboys, shame it is.
You extended your hand order
And we are proud to stop separation.
Alexei envy, 53 years, doctor, Serpukhov
Vladimir Putin - President
Quite a different formation.
He feels the fate of the time
And the requirement of the nation.
Since your arrival, our lives
Most of others.
Vedi empire stay
From the West grin
You're in a remote side.
On the side of Russia,
To Busheblery knew everything
What we are not inclined vyi.
We - the sword and delicate nose,
We rage and calculation.
With you we Putin громадье --
None of us do not pognet.
A. Kashtanov, 64, a guard, Khotkovo
Putin - speaking surname
And the country you will pass your way
From the collapse of the former abundance,
From getting rid of sausage put.
Queues were terminated, nakushalis
And now we are looking for spirituality.
Books, stage kuschami
Moving Russian minds.
Ozhilo cinema, theater in their prime,
Not rzhaveet sculptor chisel.
And thank you for these
Years - not for food, for the hearts.
They say that the history of the round.
It may be the era of sausage
A new, but should not forget
Renaissance of the Arts hours.
Putin - speaking surname
And the country you will pass your way
From the collapse of the former abundance,
From getting rid of sausage put.
Migunov Nicholas, 66 years old, retired, Moscow
A school pusteet, ends the summer.
Then came first class, and again discussed.
From the Kremlin towers, you see it
And just brought a new conversation.
You all turned to women: to give birth!
Because to be a mother - is there,
And do not throw your career --
Workplace until the wait.
In fact, many women used to be afraid of,
Circle of instability, did not know how to live.
Accessible and easy, you try them
Bills to offer.
Run shame now supostaty,
Who set up against the female child.
Look - and taken back into NATO
Boxes of hormones and other zatey.
I wish you live happily, without sorrow,
In the centuries to remain matters and words.
To many children Russia said:
"The birth of her we owe you!"
Alla Petrovna Shcherbakova, 43, teacher, Samara region,
Cloud - I had caused to the whole Russia.
raining cats that Neva is not Yenisei.
Krasnoyarsk on the bank, as a proud cedar,
rises in all its glory.
We here know the price of the genuine words
that measured for the right business.
from Igarka to the people of Tuva
common life with the lives of our homeland.
both lead us. We trust you in everything.
if necessary, then we turn and mountains.
You are now our main батька-ataman,
we entrust our fate - to you.
Well, be with us until the last honest.
and enhance the greatness of the country.
Well, we want you on the day of the seventh,
that autumn was still spring.
Leonid Prozhnikov, 60 years old, an amateur artist, Moscow
Admiralty needle.
Eagle bicipital. Night.
We went, thicken more haze,
And nobody to help.
It seemed that there is no way
As a dark cinema.
Bombardment. Raspberry jacket.
The bloody stain.
The terms of betrayal, deception,
And days lost from.
Go to live overseas?
But that does not deliver.
All razvorovano ashes,
And who is now forgiven?
Admiralty needle,
Only Neva glitters.
Those who in the chaos of the times
Dispelled havoc in the dust --
He nizhayshy our bow
And the glory forever.
Nikita Somov, 26 years, IT-Manager, Moscow
Vladimir - owns the world,
Again, the whole truth is.
Let the radio whispers ether,
Broadcasts the good news.
Let the sun now shines on the heart,
In the soul - peace and quiet,
Probably, it happens infrequently
At such a difficult task.
Marina Ilicheva, 49 years, Methodist Research Institute, Moscow
I pray for you, as God Almighty,
Realizing that you have people, not God.
There is a wash - Short cut,
So long as Russia sees in the pie.
And they want to destroy the long Fatherland,
Collapsed, trample, iznichtozhit flight
A dream in which the dreams of humanity
And to whom ever is calling for Russia.
Therefore, Vova, I am as strong laughs,
Bearing in mind the wisdom of the folk that did not make a mistake,
To you from the heart and hope
To the sky you could keep with me.
I am far from the Kremlin, I live and work
At the factory, and in the field, in high schools throughout the country.
I am part of the Russian and universal harmony,
In a rank equal to - we are.
Sometimes the punch to tears - whether callousness,
Deafness il vampirstvo officialism shower,
From which smerdit expansion card,
Zaedinschikov with distant rushing jackpot.
You, of course, not God. Man - the nashensky.
From vorya cleaned and derzhavnikom either.
Do you in fact have a lever on top management,
And we have a serious design essence.
This idea зрел from the depths of humanity,
Grow in the minds of all the great people
But managed to collect only the Russian zhrechestvo
His slender in the book, from the fragments of ideas.
Do not say good-bye, Volodya, as in the battles for the Motherland,
Information adapted well to beat
No child should die glorious zhrechestva,
We must win in Russia to serve!
You came from second-tier
Officials at the head of the country.
Texas zlopyhateley columns
Hope full of pride,
With the modest man from St. Petersburg
Servile will hold their course.
But you through a political blizzard
I heard our hyperborean pulse.
Now, sit, agape in Texas
The "Big Eight jaw hang.
Russia returns vosvoyasi
All taken ten years ago:
Prestige, authority, the revenues from oil
Growing, and people in the night the Kremlin
Looks like hiding in fear of his whip,
Cowboys, shame it is.
You extended your hand order
And we are proud to stop separation.
Alexei envy, 53 years, doctor, Serpukhov
Vladimir Putin - President
Quite a different formation.
He feels the fate of the time
And the requirement of the nation.
Since your arrival, our lives
Most of others.
Vedi empire stay
From the West grin
You're in a remote side.
On the side of Russia,
To Busheblery knew everything
What we are not inclined vyi.
We - the sword and delicate nose,
We rage and calculation.
With you we Putin громадье --
None of us do not pognet.
A. Kashtanov, 64, a guard, Khotkovo
Putin - speaking surname
And the country you will pass your way
From the collapse of the former abundance,
From getting rid of sausage put.
Queues were terminated, nakushalis
And now we are looking for spirituality.
Books, stage kuschami
Moving Russian minds.
Ozhilo cinema, theater in their prime,
Not rzhaveet sculptor chisel.
And thank you for these
Years - not for food, for the hearts.
They say that the history of the round.
It may be the era of sausage
A new, but should not forget
Renaissance of the Arts hours.
Putin - speaking surname
And the country you will pass your way
From the collapse of the former abundance,
From getting rid of sausage put.
Migunov Nicholas, 66 years old, retired, Moscow
A school pusteet, ends the summer.
Then came first class, and again discussed.
From the Kremlin towers, you see it
And just brought a new conversation.
You all turned to women: to give birth!
Because to be a mother - is there,
And do not throw your career --
Workplace until the wait.
In fact, many women used to be afraid of,
Circle of instability, did not know how to live.
Accessible and easy, you try them
Bills to offer.
Run shame now supostaty,
Who set up against the female child.
Look - and taken back into NATO
Boxes of hormones and other zatey.
I wish you live happily, without sorrow,
In the centuries to remain matters and words.
To many children Russia said:
"The birth of her we owe you!"
Alla Petrovna Shcherbakova, 43, teacher, Samara region,
Cloud - I had caused to the whole Russia.
raining cats that Neva is not Yenisei.
Krasnoyarsk on the bank, as a proud cedar,
rises in all its glory.
We here know the price of the genuine words
that measured for the right business.
from Igarka to the people of Tuva
common life with the lives of our homeland.
both lead us. We trust you in everything.
if necessary, then we turn and mountains.
You are now our main батька-ataman,
we entrust our fate - to you.
Well, be with us until the last honest.
and enhance the greatness of the country.
Well, we want you on the day of the seventh,
that autumn was still spring.
Leonid Prozhnikov, 60 years old, an amateur artist, Moscow
Admiralty needle.
Eagle bicipital. Night.
We went, thicken more haze,
And nobody to help.
It seemed that there is no way
As a dark cinema.
Bombardment. Raspberry jacket.
The bloody stain.
The terms of betrayal, deception,
And days lost from.
Go to live overseas?
But that does not deliver.
All razvorovano ashes,
And who is now forgiven?
Admiralty needle,
Only Neva glitters.
Those who in the chaos of the times
Dispelled havoc in the dust --
He nizhayshy our bow
And the glory forever.
Nikita Somov, 26 years, IT-Manager, Moscow
Vladimir - owns the world,
Again, the whole truth is.
Let the radio whispers ether,
Broadcasts the good news.
Let the sun now shines on the heart,
In the soul - peace and quiet,
Probably, it happens infrequently
At such a difficult task.
Marina Ilicheva, 49 years, Methodist Research Institute, Moscow
I pray for you, as God Almighty,
Realizing that you have people, not God.
There is a wash - Short cut,
So long as Russia sees in the pie.
And they want to destroy the long Fatherland,
Collapsed, trample, iznichtozhit flight
A dream in which the dreams of humanity
And to whom ever is calling for Russia.
Therefore, Vova, I am as strong laughs,
Bearing in mind the wisdom of the folk that did not make a mistake,
To you from the heart and hope
To the sky you could keep with me.
I am far from the Kremlin, I live and work
At the factory, and in the field, in high schools throughout the country.
I am part of the Russian and universal harmony,
In a rank equal to - we are.
Sometimes the punch to tears - whether callousness,
Deafness il vampirstvo officialism shower,
From which smerdit expansion card,
Zaedinschikov with distant rushing jackpot.
You, of course, not God. Man - the nashensky.
From vorya cleaned and derzhavnikom either.
Do you in fact have a lever on top management,
And we have a serious design essence.
This idea зрел from the depths of humanity,
Grow in the minds of all the great people
But managed to collect only the Russian zhrechestvo
His slender in the book, from the fragments of ideas.
Do not say good-bye, Volodya, as in the battles for the Motherland,
Information adapted well to beat
No child should die glorious zhrechestva,
We must win in Russia to serve!
воскресенье, 12 апреля 2009 г.
the working condition
All car owners are aware how important it is to regularly check the working condition of your car: check the fluid level in the tank car, change oil, look for the condition of brake pads and the level of tire pressure, efficiency of light vehicles. Maintenance must be held regardless of the class of vehicle. The way he carried out, it depends how well the car will behave on the road. One can never be 100% sure where and, more importantly, when to go, the more so if the work involves constant travel and separation. However, car owners often have to neglect the maintenance of his car. There are many reasons for this are. This is a normal human laziness, and quotidian time. Given that a person carries out the work from 8 to 10 hours, the time for regular monitoring of technical condition of the car practically no remains. Nevertheless, always easier, cheaper and painless it passes surveillance and prevention rather than repair. However, this, unfortunately, we remember, only when the misfortune has happened.
This situation was the basis for business related to the provision of services for maintenance and minor repair of automobiles with the customer. Being engaged in this business, you will get an opportunity to earn money, and your clients - the opportunity to save time.
Such an exit car - a mini-service station - it is really to organize yourself! The only thing that stands just remember to continue to always abide by its field work - never to take on complex, labor intensive, it takes a lot of time job - it was better to provide a specialized hospital service station. You are in this case would require only the timely detection of problems and warning the owner of the car. This is, as you know, costs money.
First and foremost, is to compile a list of services provided and performed maintenance work on your car. Number of similar works will depend only on your skills and abilities that will need to develop and improve. This list may include such works as:
1. Check the tires, fluids, battery, as well as basic equipment and systems for cars (on the need for the maintenance of stationary).
2. The next test for the replacement of equipment that do not require long-term intervention (eg, janitorial, pads, exterior lighting systems, etc.).
3. Adjustment (to adjust power, janitorial, ignition, the same lighting, etc.).
4. Cleaning the car, as an additional service (including cleaning, vacuum cleaning, the use of perfume).
This list is a basic package, but its addition is not excluded by other services. With the designation of the spectrum should be remembered that the main thing - do not overestimate themselves and their capabilities.
Then you should think about the technical realization of the business. Clearly, for any work related to the customer, need a car. In the case of the mini-station service is better, if it is for lifting equipment, such as, «Gazelle». After all, you need to carry equipment and tools to carry out the proposed works. Of the tools you'll need the keys (it is better to buy two or three sets of different types and sizes), as well as hand tools. For cleaning need a powerful vacuum cleaner, as well as the compressor. You can buy a suction compressor to replace the oil that will relieve you from unnecessary problems. There will be no more than бензогенератор. It is also often used to purchase consumables for its future implementation. Typically, such products diverges quite well and can bring additional income. After all, you'll buy it at wholesale prices, and more likely to have permanent vendors and a chance at a great discount. In turn, the sale will be conducted on normal retail prices of any auto. This allows the client does not think that the product comes with margins, as is usually the case when delivery of «the house». It should also be said about the need to have a pair of high-quality jacks and «beds», for easy replacement of parts or diagnostics to detect malfunctions.
The next challenge will be building its customer base. Your customers would typically employed people who do not have time for permanent care and that the car in relation to permanent employment, are not able to even look into his device. They prefer to pay in the event of a malfunction in your vehicle service station. For them, the emergence of such a master, as you will find this. For good quality of service their cars, they will agree to pay. For information about yourself, you can provide booklets and pamphlets containing a list of proposed works on the sites, as well as the crossing points of various institutions or companies. Because services are often the car will have to service it in time and number of customers to their place of work.
Business Idea: Turning a hobby into a business
As the formation of the circle of your customers will have the meaning of keeping a separate journal of technical condition of the car, which you will make the key points of the inspection. This diary at repeated visits to the client helps to recall the features of a machine that will greatly facilitate the process of care. After all, you will always formed a clear idea about the problems of a particular car, its weaknesses and failure, which occurred and were subsequently corrected. Moreover, while such a diary of notes, you can always call the customer and recall of identified problems or to ask how a car behaves when you unfit specified replacement parts. Such attention can not pass without leaving a trace and leaves only positive emotions and a good impression, which necessarily impact on your future cooperation.
This situation was the basis for business related to the provision of services for maintenance and minor repair of automobiles with the customer. Being engaged in this business, you will get an opportunity to earn money, and your clients - the opportunity to save time.
Such an exit car - a mini-service station - it is really to organize yourself! The only thing that stands just remember to continue to always abide by its field work - never to take on complex, labor intensive, it takes a lot of time job - it was better to provide a specialized hospital service station. You are in this case would require only the timely detection of problems and warning the owner of the car. This is, as you know, costs money.
First and foremost, is to compile a list of services provided and performed maintenance work on your car. Number of similar works will depend only on your skills and abilities that will need to develop and improve. This list may include such works as:
1. Check the tires, fluids, battery, as well as basic equipment and systems for cars (on the need for the maintenance of stationary).
2. The next test for the replacement of equipment that do not require long-term intervention (eg, janitorial, pads, exterior lighting systems, etc.).
3. Adjustment (to adjust power, janitorial, ignition, the same lighting, etc.).
4. Cleaning the car, as an additional service (including cleaning, vacuum cleaning, the use of perfume).
This list is a basic package, but its addition is not excluded by other services. With the designation of the spectrum should be remembered that the main thing - do not overestimate themselves and their capabilities.
Then you should think about the technical realization of the business. Clearly, for any work related to the customer, need a car. In the case of the mini-station service is better, if it is for lifting equipment, such as, «Gazelle». After all, you need to carry equipment and tools to carry out the proposed works. Of the tools you'll need the keys (it is better to buy two or three sets of different types and sizes), as well as hand tools. For cleaning need a powerful vacuum cleaner, as well as the compressor. You can buy a suction compressor to replace the oil that will relieve you from unnecessary problems. There will be no more than бензогенератор. It is also often used to purchase consumables for its future implementation. Typically, such products diverges quite well and can bring additional income. After all, you'll buy it at wholesale prices, and more likely to have permanent vendors and a chance at a great discount. In turn, the sale will be conducted on normal retail prices of any auto. This allows the client does not think that the product comes with margins, as is usually the case when delivery of «the house». It should also be said about the need to have a pair of high-quality jacks and «beds», for easy replacement of parts or diagnostics to detect malfunctions.
The next challenge will be building its customer base. Your customers would typically employed people who do not have time for permanent care and that the car in relation to permanent employment, are not able to even look into his device. They prefer to pay in the event of a malfunction in your vehicle service station. For them, the emergence of such a master, as you will find this. For good quality of service their cars, they will agree to pay. For information about yourself, you can provide booklets and pamphlets containing a list of proposed works on the sites, as well as the crossing points of various institutions or companies. Because services are often the car will have to service it in time and number of customers to their place of work.
Business Idea: Turning a hobby into a business
As the formation of the circle of your customers will have the meaning of keeping a separate journal of technical condition of the car, which you will make the key points of the inspection. This diary at repeated visits to the client helps to recall the features of a machine that will greatly facilitate the process of care. After all, you will always formed a clear idea about the problems of a particular car, its weaknesses and failure, which occurred and were subsequently corrected. Moreover, while such a diary of notes, you can always call the customer and recall of identified problems or to ask how a car behaves when you unfit specified replacement parts. Such attention can not pass without leaving a trace and leaves only positive emotions and a good impression, which necessarily impact on your future cooperation.
пятница, 10 апреля 2009 г.
The benefits of juice
The benefits of natural juices, we have repeatedly told doctors to screen televisions and radio. Today, every person, caring about me, knows that the natural juices - is a pledge of long life, beauty and attractiveness of the foreign that much to talk about health. Natural juices are responsible for ensuring that people are not sick. For example, orange juice - a natural replacement for powerful drugs that help the body cope with the flu, headaches and many other unpleasant sensations. Enough to drink every morning a glass of orange juice stomach - and the problem will be solved: your body zapasetsya this dose of vitamin C, that any illness away.
And so will all the while you will pay due attention to nutrition, because the natural juices are one of its main components. Fresh juice retains all the nutritional and medicinal properties of fruits. Take the example of the apple: the fruit contains iron, necessary for normal daily functioning of our body. This is especially true for pregnant and preparing for pregnancy. Those who want to give birth to healthy children and in doing so to stay in good shape, should be included in the diet of apples and apple juice.
Juice can be made not only from any fruit, but from the berries. Blueberries, strawberries, strawberry, cloudberry, and many other berries perfectly suited for making fresh juice. However, remember that the amount of juice obtained will depend on how juicy fruits and berries. For example, a kilogram of apples can be obtained from a 250-gram glass of apple juice, and a kilogram of strawberries will be ripe only a few dessert spoons of juice. The leader of the same quantity of juice is watermelon: product output almost equal to its initial mass.
In our country, undeservedly forgotten about vegetable juices, but they are not only just as tasty as the fruit, but more useful. For example, potato juice, doctors often recommend that those who suffer from ulcers: one cup in the morning empty stomach, and peptic ulcer zarubtsuetsya quickly, leaving only memories of the painful sensations. There is no doubt benefit beet and carrot juice, and to better assimilate the body, you need only add in a glass of carrot or beet juice and a little vegetable oil.
In addition, beet juice is very helpful for those who want to get rid of dysbacteriosis - juice helps to quickly bring the digestive system in order. Carrot juice is considered to be the main source of female beauty, in addition, it is very useful for lovers of beautiful and strong sun. Vitamins are contained in carrot juice is a natural blocker to the harmful ultraviolet rays and are contributing to the level of sunburn, which pozaviduet a beautiful beach in Malibu.
The benefits of juice, you can talk forever, and they really deserve. It is important to just remember that it is the most useful natural juices. In order to produce natural juices, you will need to decide in what circumstances you have to be done. This kind of business as a home production, and production in a room specially equipped for this.
Typically, people involved in the production of natural juices, have their own household economy, which helps to reduce the cost of fruit, berries and vegetables. Spend their money will not be necessary if it is grown fruits and vegetables in your own garden or in the garden. Natural juices or poured into a glass, if production is located in a street stall, or in plastic bottles that did not distort the natural taste of fresh juice. Keep in mind that made natural juices without added sugar and other flavoring components, which is why they are called natural. The only thing that is allowed - this mix of juices, such as pumpkin and apple - as well as the other tastes, a combination which will prompt you to fantasy.
And so will all the while you will pay due attention to nutrition, because the natural juices are one of its main components. Fresh juice retains all the nutritional and medicinal properties of fruits. Take the example of the apple: the fruit contains iron, necessary for normal daily functioning of our body. This is especially true for pregnant and preparing for pregnancy. Those who want to give birth to healthy children and in doing so to stay in good shape, should be included in the diet of apples and apple juice.
Juice can be made not only from any fruit, but from the berries. Blueberries, strawberries, strawberry, cloudberry, and many other berries perfectly suited for making fresh juice. However, remember that the amount of juice obtained will depend on how juicy fruits and berries. For example, a kilogram of apples can be obtained from a 250-gram glass of apple juice, and a kilogram of strawberries will be ripe only a few dessert spoons of juice. The leader of the same quantity of juice is watermelon: product output almost equal to its initial mass.
In our country, undeservedly forgotten about vegetable juices, but they are not only just as tasty as the fruit, but more useful. For example, potato juice, doctors often recommend that those who suffer from ulcers: one cup in the morning empty stomach, and peptic ulcer zarubtsuetsya quickly, leaving only memories of the painful sensations. There is no doubt benefit beet and carrot juice, and to better assimilate the body, you need only add in a glass of carrot or beet juice and a little vegetable oil.
In addition, beet juice is very helpful for those who want to get rid of dysbacteriosis - juice helps to quickly bring the digestive system in order. Carrot juice is considered to be the main source of female beauty, in addition, it is very useful for lovers of beautiful and strong sun. Vitamins are contained in carrot juice is a natural blocker to the harmful ultraviolet rays and are contributing to the level of sunburn, which pozaviduet a beautiful beach in Malibu.
The benefits of juice, you can talk forever, and they really deserve. It is important to just remember that it is the most useful natural juices. In order to produce natural juices, you will need to decide in what circumstances you have to be done. This kind of business as a home production, and production in a room specially equipped for this.
Typically, people involved in the production of natural juices, have their own household economy, which helps to reduce the cost of fruit, berries and vegetables. Spend their money will not be necessary if it is grown fruits and vegetables in your own garden or in the garden. Natural juices or poured into a glass, if production is located in a street stall, or in plastic bottles that did not distort the natural taste of fresh juice. Keep in mind that made natural juices without added sugar and other flavoring components, which is why they are called natural. The only thing that is allowed - this mix of juices, such as pumpkin and apple - as well as the other tastes, a combination which will prompt you to fantasy.
суббота, 28 марта 2009 г.
Business Idea: How to make money on the crisis
Business Idea: How to make money on the crisis
The crisis is a new revolution, the end edges and it is not visible. Many self-doubt and their profession, are subjected to his negative influence. Depression, stress - all this leads to many physical illnesses. People need vyplesk negative emotions. And if there is a demand - to make a proposal. Recreating retrosnimkov
In Japan, a long time in each company and the office room is psychological, where managers can engage in throwing darts at a portrait of the chief or the box with his depiction of pears. It is in Japan invented vases for shouting. They yell all the backlog, it becomes much easier. Above all, do not interfere with - the sound is absorbed by the walls of the vase.
Europe has already opened restaurants where you can beat the dishes, and yelling at the waiters. Thus, uncontrollable outbreak of anger instantly find out.
In California, in San Diego smart entrepreneurs have opened shop, where for a fee, you can beat the fragile vazochki or dish. If you still want to fret and fume - customer service room, the walls which are covered with metal sheets - the so-called «rooms hatred». You can beat the fragile during the entire conversation. Time paid for in advance, the price list with very flexible. Several vazochek will cost very cheap mountain dishes - already twice as expensive. If the customer does not come from this - it may bring its own set for destruction. Then rent the room would cost very cheap. The list of services includes cleaning, so after the pogrom, the customer leaves without worry.
Business Idea: Delivery of drugs at home
Demand for this service for U.S. businesses is great. The companies involved in this type of service, a social image - they contribute to the removal of tension, emotional détente, helping people to better survive the difficult times.
Psychological benefits of providing such services is obvious. To the psychoanalyst in Russia do not like to walk, and nervous tension to remove need. Well, not in the bottle is constantly looking! Moreover, such an aftertaste of détente simply amazing, and negative emotions are replaced positive.
What are investing in this kind of business? You will need funds for rental of premises and equipment, it was a similar service at the finish of the walls sound-proofed, advertising and support staff salaries. Business Idea: Cheap and unique hotel
By the way, and after the crisis, this service will be in demand. There will always be people who need a psychological discharge. Index - intelligent, unobtrusive advertising.Business Idea: Selling pictures online
The crisis is a new revolution, the end edges and it is not visible. Many self-doubt and their profession, are subjected to his negative influence. Depression, stress - all this leads to many physical illnesses. People need vyplesk negative emotions. And if there is a demand - to make a proposal. Recreating retrosnimkov
In Japan, a long time in each company and the office room is psychological, where managers can engage in throwing darts at a portrait of the chief or the box with his depiction of pears. It is in Japan invented vases for shouting. They yell all the backlog, it becomes much easier. Above all, do not interfere with - the sound is absorbed by the walls of the vase.
Europe has already opened restaurants where you can beat the dishes, and yelling at the waiters. Thus, uncontrollable outbreak of anger instantly find out.
In California, in San Diego smart entrepreneurs have opened shop, where for a fee, you can beat the fragile vazochki or dish. If you still want to fret and fume - customer service room, the walls which are covered with metal sheets - the so-called «rooms hatred». You can beat the fragile during the entire conversation. Time paid for in advance, the price list with very flexible. Several vazochek will cost very cheap mountain dishes - already twice as expensive. If the customer does not come from this - it may bring its own set for destruction. Then rent the room would cost very cheap. The list of services includes cleaning, so after the pogrom, the customer leaves without worry.
Business Idea: Delivery of drugs at home
Demand for this service for U.S. businesses is great. The companies involved in this type of service, a social image - they contribute to the removal of tension, emotional détente, helping people to better survive the difficult times.
Psychological benefits of providing such services is obvious. To the psychoanalyst in Russia do not like to walk, and nervous tension to remove need. Well, not in the bottle is constantly looking! Moreover, such an aftertaste of détente simply amazing, and negative emotions are replaced positive.
What are investing in this kind of business? You will need funds for rental of premises and equipment, it was a similar service at the finish of the walls sound-proofed, advertising and support staff salaries. Business Idea: Cheap and unique hotel
By the way, and after the crisis, this service will be in demand. There will always be people who need a psychological discharge. Index - intelligent, unobtrusive advertising.Business Idea: Selling pictures online
Business Idea: Free distribution of promotional drives
I am constantly engaged in the sale of advertising: on the outside - to the souvenir. Clients I have many, and they need a completely different ad. They want to promote their goods exclusively in the target audience. But it does not always advertise in the newspaper or on the outer shield «catching up» their consumers.
The idea of business is to rent a training video with step-by-step pictures of a process. For example, as cleaning the apartment for an hour or how to prepare festive salad, or repair something with his hands. The essence is clear.
For investments in this business will need funds to buy cameras to take pictures, for the work of an actor who could be any of your friends, and the person familiar with the computer. Then the story was, beautiful and good. Downstairs, in the course of action is contextual advertising, like: «That knife you can buy something there, the phone such a», - or: «The new vacuum cleaner with akvafiltrom, which I take to remove the apartment for an hour, bought in a store such a ».
All advertising texts, of course, are paid by your advertisers. First, you must show them finished movie, and explain that all these discs, you will be given their potential, and - most importantly - targeted customers absolutely free of charge, along with the check as a gift in the same shop where sell, such as vacuum cleaners. Or in a registry office - each couple and their guests, or the presentation of the new book. Free of charge, we all love. In the shops sold a variety of discs with training programs, but they are quite expensive.
Business Idea: Delivery of drugs at home
The most important thing is that the theme for the commercials were chosen suitable.
Here are some examples:
How quickly win rhinitis.
How to bake the cake without the hassle.
As inhibited eggplant / tomato / cucumber / pepper.
How to grow huge crops of vegetables on your six hundred.
How to decorate your home for the New Year.
How can learn yoga.
How to have a romantic dinner.
How to organize a corporate party.
How to get rid of snoring.
Topics will help advertisers themselves, in accordance with its own profile. Over time, you can put the case to a stream. Hire a few teams to capture and dissemination.
Profitability and return on this type of business you can count on their own. Even if each disc is only five advertising firms, advertisers, you are with the first day will be able to recoup the costs of shooting and drives.
On television, there is a lot of different training programs, but must be at the right time at the screen. And you provide clients with an excellent opportunity to open the disc with a training program at a convenient time for them.
With time comes experience, and to conduct surveys, and in the choice of topics and the organization of literacy negotiations with advertisers. Plus, the entire show, and even their domestic public actors.
Good promotion of your business
The idea of business is to rent a training video with step-by-step pictures of a process. For example, as cleaning the apartment for an hour or how to prepare festive salad, or repair something with his hands. The essence is clear.
For investments in this business will need funds to buy cameras to take pictures, for the work of an actor who could be any of your friends, and the person familiar with the computer. Then the story was, beautiful and good. Downstairs, in the course of action is contextual advertising, like: «That knife you can buy something there, the phone such a», - or: «The new vacuum cleaner with akvafiltrom, which I take to remove the apartment for an hour, bought in a store such a ».
All advertising texts, of course, are paid by your advertisers. First, you must show them finished movie, and explain that all these discs, you will be given their potential, and - most importantly - targeted customers absolutely free of charge, along with the check as a gift in the same shop where sell, such as vacuum cleaners. Or in a registry office - each couple and their guests, or the presentation of the new book. Free of charge, we all love. In the shops sold a variety of discs with training programs, but they are quite expensive.
Business Idea: Delivery of drugs at home
The most important thing is that the theme for the commercials were chosen suitable.
Here are some examples:
How quickly win rhinitis.
How to bake the cake without the hassle.
As inhibited eggplant / tomato / cucumber / pepper.
How to grow huge crops of vegetables on your six hundred.
How to decorate your home for the New Year.
How can learn yoga.
How to have a romantic dinner.
How to organize a corporate party.
How to get rid of snoring.
Topics will help advertisers themselves, in accordance with its own profile. Over time, you can put the case to a stream. Hire a few teams to capture and dissemination.
Profitability and return on this type of business you can count on their own. Even if each disc is only five advertising firms, advertisers, you are with the first day will be able to recoup the costs of shooting and drives.
On television, there is a lot of different training programs, but must be at the right time at the screen. And you provide clients with an excellent opportunity to open the disc with a training program at a convenient time for them.
With time comes experience, and to conduct surveys, and in the choice of topics and the organization of literacy negotiations with advertisers. Plus, the entire show, and even their domestic public actors.
Good promotion of your business
Business Idea: Turning a hobby into a business
Business Idea: Turning a hobby into a business
Each of us is love, but the real pleasure of it can be obtained by turning it into their business. And doing a favorite thing, and it monetiziruesh while receiving net profits.
My friend from childhood fond knitting on the bobbin, plela Vologda lace. It must be said that she always had a lot of orders. Lyubueshsya at its creation - and captures the spirit! Clients she has never looked, it was enough to go somewhere in a dress or suit related to a unique pattern, and the orders themselves rained even from strangers. Unique items always attract attention. Of course, not everyone will be able to repeat these fine weave, but everyone can learn something different.
Now every house has a different creative circles, where money can be miserable to learn any type of needlework. Choose what you like. Most importantly - do the work is unique and with a soul. It is not only a big job, so a secret skill, something to open his personal.
Where should you start? I draw ideas for art exhibitions, in museums. Very carefully consider each veschichku like, every exhibit, and be sure there is a new idea.
Another source of inspiration - forums on a variety of sites handicrafts. The network is very high. Home - your desire to learn something, and then a teacher there.
Online training is any type of activity. Paid and free and paid courses usually offer a few lessons for free. Learn from more experienced people in this case, check for yourself the effectiveness of such training. Index - to find a hobby for everyone. Business Idea: The telescope at the observatory ..
This home business idea is not only related to handicrafts. It is important to be an expert in one issue - at least in the cooking, while in the fishery, though in knitting, weaving, painting. Then clients will have.
Search for source of income in his hobby, too, must be skillfully. You can give advertisement in local newspapers and distribute flyers on the mailboxes with an indication of the type of services and a telephone number. Do not ask yourself the question - Who is it for? Be sure somebody is useful. Checked to me.
If you have something you know how, then quite simply - will only find those who want the fruits of your hobby. To begin, locate in their city-minded, special interest clubs and exhibitions.
One day at a folk art exhibition, I met with the local author's Club dolls. So unusual were the exhibits that pass by them, it was impossible. Now look for their success. To whom it may be necessary? - They have a name in the world. They were invited to an exhibition abroad. Each doll is already a buyer. They are mostly collectors and museums.
Internet friend from Germany beautifully embroider dimensional picture, but she doubted that anyone might be interested it works. She had to give the addresses of museums and collections. As a result of her work led response. Work friends have been estimated at a thousand dollars. Now she no longer doubted.
My buddy paint stained glass windows, unique and very beautiful. From customers no end. This hobby not only makes it, his wife wrote a book, step-by-step guide to painting stained-glass window, got to the case itself. Now paint souvenirs for sale, and out of print book is the third time.
All of these examples are taken from the same life of ordinary people like you. Once they took the first step. They succeeded. Now creativity itself is looking for a way out, creating all new projects. The main - and begin to believe their own success. Everything you always get!
Each of us is love, but the real pleasure of it can be obtained by turning it into their business. And doing a favorite thing, and it monetiziruesh while receiving net profits.
My friend from childhood fond knitting on the bobbin, plela Vologda lace. It must be said that she always had a lot of orders. Lyubueshsya at its creation - and captures the spirit! Clients she has never looked, it was enough to go somewhere in a dress or suit related to a unique pattern, and the orders themselves rained even from strangers. Unique items always attract attention. Of course, not everyone will be able to repeat these fine weave, but everyone can learn something different.
Now every house has a different creative circles, where money can be miserable to learn any type of needlework. Choose what you like. Most importantly - do the work is unique and with a soul. It is not only a big job, so a secret skill, something to open his personal.
Where should you start? I draw ideas for art exhibitions, in museums. Very carefully consider each veschichku like, every exhibit, and be sure there is a new idea.
Another source of inspiration - forums on a variety of sites handicrafts. The network is very high. Home - your desire to learn something, and then a teacher there.
Online training is any type of activity. Paid and free and paid courses usually offer a few lessons for free. Learn from more experienced people in this case, check for yourself the effectiveness of such training. Index - to find a hobby for everyone. Business Idea: The telescope at the observatory ..
This home business idea is not only related to handicrafts. It is important to be an expert in one issue - at least in the cooking, while in the fishery, though in knitting, weaving, painting. Then clients will have.
Search for source of income in his hobby, too, must be skillfully. You can give advertisement in local newspapers and distribute flyers on the mailboxes with an indication of the type of services and a telephone number. Do not ask yourself the question - Who is it for? Be sure somebody is useful. Checked to me.
If you have something you know how, then quite simply - will only find those who want the fruits of your hobby. To begin, locate in their city-minded, special interest clubs and exhibitions.
One day at a folk art exhibition, I met with the local author's Club dolls. So unusual were the exhibits that pass by them, it was impossible. Now look for their success. To whom it may be necessary? - They have a name in the world. They were invited to an exhibition abroad. Each doll is already a buyer. They are mostly collectors and museums.
Internet friend from Germany beautifully embroider dimensional picture, but she doubted that anyone might be interested it works. She had to give the addresses of museums and collections. As a result of her work led response. Work friends have been estimated at a thousand dollars. Now she no longer doubted.
My buddy paint stained glass windows, unique and very beautiful. From customers no end. This hobby not only makes it, his wife wrote a book, step-by-step guide to painting stained-glass window, got to the case itself. Now paint souvenirs for sale, and out of print book is the third time.
All of these examples are taken from the same life of ordinary people like you. Once they took the first step. They succeeded. Now creativity itself is looking for a way out, creating all new projects. The main - and begin to believe their own success. Everything you always get!
Business idea: rent space for rehearsals
My friends, young musicians are suddenly faced with this problem. They can not millions of the city to find a place for rehearsals of his band. In homes and around them as soon as there is dissatisfaction with the residents. Who wants to listen to dissonant music series? When another young musicians learn to play beautiful music!
From this arose a great business idea. In order to implement it in their city the first step is to examine the demand for such services. To get started, you need to find one or two bands, who need to rent space for rehearsals.
Rehearsal is desirable to equip the base away from the sleeping area, preferably in the industrial. Probably from industry there are lots of empty hangars and warehouses. Here's what they need to hire and to convert to a rehearsal room. The initial agreement for the lease of the premises need to negotiate with the owner for a long period.
And expenses, and profit from this type of business can greatly vary. For the modest young bands or artists you can equip a room in a 20-30 quarter. m, with a minimum of amenities. Rent for such premises 30-40 $ / hour. Their service will require only an administrator and a cleaner.
For the better-known groups, which may pay higher rates, it is possible to equip the room closest to the center. Propose and a hall for rehearsals with good acoustics, and a recreation room for the musicians, and a room for storing tools. In this case, the staff will need to take a guard. Hour of the room rental cost of 50-150 $ per hour. Payment for storage of equipment and tools - by agreement.
Investment in equipment for the rehearsal base may reach 3 000 $ -5 $ 000, including the costs of maintenance and purchase of equipment.
Advertising its services to better provide for the concerts of local groups and look amateur, posted on the Internet subject forums.
The project payback of two to three months to a year. Everything will depend on demand in your city, location of equipment and rehearsal, the veins of your business.
As is known, the most profitable business - letting anything in rent!
From this arose a great business idea. In order to implement it in their city the first step is to examine the demand for such services. To get started, you need to find one or two bands, who need to rent space for rehearsals.
Rehearsal is desirable to equip the base away from the sleeping area, preferably in the industrial. Probably from industry there are lots of empty hangars and warehouses. Here's what they need to hire and to convert to a rehearsal room. The initial agreement for the lease of the premises need to negotiate with the owner for a long period.
And expenses, and profit from this type of business can greatly vary. For the modest young bands or artists you can equip a room in a 20-30 quarter. m, with a minimum of amenities. Rent for such premises 30-40 $ / hour. Their service will require only an administrator and a cleaner.
For the better-known groups, which may pay higher rates, it is possible to equip the room closest to the center. Propose and a hall for rehearsals with good acoustics, and a recreation room for the musicians, and a room for storing tools. In this case, the staff will need to take a guard. Hour of the room rental cost of 50-150 $ per hour. Payment for storage of equipment and tools - by agreement.
Investment in equipment for the rehearsal base may reach 3 000 $ -5 $ 000, including the costs of maintenance and purchase of equipment.
Advertising its services to better provide for the concerts of local groups and look amateur, posted on the Internet subject forums.
The project payback of two to three months to a year. Everything will depend on demand in your city, location of equipment and rehearsal, the veins of your business.
As is known, the most profitable business - letting anything in rent!
Business Idea: How to earn a national flavor
Business Idea:
How little now remains of national colors. Globalization! A few times, then set up the deficit and pay for it dearly. This is from the «stoves» and dance have become my friends. They became engaged in a major tourist business - inviting small groups of foreigners in USA Depth. The route is laid solely at the request of the tourists, individually.
Pre same friends have concluded contracts with rural families. Got a decent old houses decorated with USA design, with shutters on the windows, with beautiful nature around, with a sauna, with a troika of horses, sanyami Kolokoltsov in the winter and summer, with the wells in the yards, but on the well - surely a crane. Such eco-tourism here.
It must be said that the business of friends went very confidently. They put on their site turpredlozhenie by taking out his beautiful pictures of untouched nature, sent a link to this site for all countries in the world. Also at the site was placed on a detailed price already spent routes, and suggested to the tourist is to pave the route for a great Mother Russia.
Foreigners interested in the proposal. First Americans responded. It must be said that they were traveling in Russia for the bride. At the same time decided to eat the bread and exotic Russian. In the future, friends and brides-round adopted. Only this is totally different song.
After the inspection of cut stavenek, cowshed and the USA Compound tourists were invited to a real Russian hut, where they were treated to dinner by USA customs: pancakes, pies, borsch, dumplings, new milk ... From samogonochkoy ostorozhnichali ... Not all people adapted to it. But on the road and gave it. A tea from a samovar, inflates the boot is shocking imagination of any foreigner. And finally finished them poor, burdened refined foods from the supermarket, vegetables and honey flavored with ridges.
Naturprodukt is not always and not all of the grain. Guests may want to latrine. That's friends started the fun part! Facilities in the yard forced foreigners to wonder even more, but raised a genuine interest. It is important that only the latrine was in a perfect cleanliness. Unpleasant to hear that Russia - a country unwashed. Moreover, it is not true throughout history. In every nation there is a pig, and akkuratisty. All depends on the people themselves.
Animal Farm - also a kind of exotic to foreigners. All these things must be taken into account when formulating the offer, and routing. You can start with one family, and then enter into a contract with a few more. Just make sure they are otkushayte all SNED. Hostess is prepared in different ways. You can not spoil the impression of foreigners. Let and cultivated the image of Russian hospitable latitude and soul.
You can rent and house for guests who want to stay in a particular Russian village. No new homes or cottages or city apartments foreigners are not interested - it is all there and they have. They need what they have seen in himself. "That's it for such a national flavor, and they are paid. Business idea: Publish the magazine with discounte...
As you can see, the idea of the business was on the surface. The main thing is to see it and put into practice, it has received from the net profits in hard currency!
How little now remains of national colors. Globalization! A few times, then set up the deficit and pay for it dearly. This is from the «stoves» and dance have become my friends. They became engaged in a major tourist business - inviting small groups of foreigners in USA Depth. The route is laid solely at the request of the tourists, individually.
Pre same friends have concluded contracts with rural families. Got a decent old houses decorated with USA design, with shutters on the windows, with beautiful nature around, with a sauna, with a troika of horses, sanyami Kolokoltsov in the winter and summer, with the wells in the yards, but on the well - surely a crane. Such eco-tourism here.
It must be said that the business of friends went very confidently. They put on their site turpredlozhenie by taking out his beautiful pictures of untouched nature, sent a link to this site for all countries in the world. Also at the site was placed on a detailed price already spent routes, and suggested to the tourist is to pave the route for a great Mother Russia.
Foreigners interested in the proposal. First Americans responded. It must be said that they were traveling in Russia for the bride. At the same time decided to eat the bread and exotic Russian. In the future, friends and brides-round adopted. Only this is totally different song.
After the inspection of cut stavenek, cowshed and the USA Compound tourists were invited to a real Russian hut, where they were treated to dinner by USA customs: pancakes, pies, borsch, dumplings, new milk ... From samogonochkoy ostorozhnichali ... Not all people adapted to it. But on the road and gave it. A tea from a samovar, inflates the boot is shocking imagination of any foreigner. And finally finished them poor, burdened refined foods from the supermarket, vegetables and honey flavored with ridges.
Naturprodukt is not always and not all of the grain. Guests may want to latrine. That's friends started the fun part! Facilities in the yard forced foreigners to wonder even more, but raised a genuine interest. It is important that only the latrine was in a perfect cleanliness. Unpleasant to hear that Russia - a country unwashed. Moreover, it is not true throughout history. In every nation there is a pig, and akkuratisty. All depends on the people themselves.
Animal Farm - also a kind of exotic to foreigners. All these things must be taken into account when formulating the offer, and routing. You can start with one family, and then enter into a contract with a few more. Just make sure they are otkushayte all SNED. Hostess is prepared in different ways. You can not spoil the impression of foreigners. Let and cultivated the image of Russian hospitable latitude and soul.
You can rent and house for guests who want to stay in a particular Russian village. No new homes or cottages or city apartments foreigners are not interested - it is all there and they have. They need what they have seen in himself. "That's it for such a national flavor, and they are paid. Business idea: Publish the magazine with discounte...
As you can see, the idea of the business was on the surface. The main thing is to see it and put into practice, it has received from the net profits in hard currency!
Business idea: video online
video online
Even yesterday, such a possibility has been fantastic, and the business idea seemed ridiculous. Today, video lessons not surprise anyone. People studying remotely across the globe. How many pros have this type of education! This opportunity can be used in any home where there is Internet, and ... a desire to learn something new, within the apartment.
Why would we not take this kind of money on armaments? Probably each of us knows how to do something, and do well. You can teach traditional courses - Language school profile subjects or a more serious subjects. You can teach the game on any instrument, together with the students to master certain kinds of needlework, or even build something.
Today leading video professionals in various major industries, the stars from around the world and simple craftsmen, as we are with you. Yesterday, the network stumbled upon the movie, which is very understandable and quickly taught fold napkins. Prior to making the same simple! In another video a wonderful girl, taught nakladyvaniya make-up secrets. Examples can lead indefinitely. The main thing to understand - what you can do, always someone you need. And for people willing to pay money.
Where to begin? To build their site on the subject that you have set forward. By the way, the day Sit in any search engine by sending requests to different types of learning. Look at the statistics - how many queries, and how many of these requests for proposals. Where there is a deficit, and it is directing its efforts.
Decided on the theme, you can move on to the next stage. In order to sell a product, you must have. Start to create video. Here is to you can come to the aid of familiar software, computer, or the same video and audiouroki to create their own video.
For any survey would need a special camera and computer program for the installation of video. The plot would have to write, or myself, or hire a scriptwriter for those purposes, but this would entail additional costs. Will you removed yourself, or ask someone else - it's up to you.
Once the product is created, it must be able to sell. This will require placing the announcement on its website and start viral marketing and advertising. The sooner you learn about the clients, the more you have to be. At the outset, should not exhibit a high fee for their lessons. As long as you have no brand, no name, until your product is not approved market rate request is for a purely nominal fee. Over time, when you can promote your project, your lessons will rise in price.
Here is an example of international experience. Company «Apple» offers music lessons «Artist Lessons». These lessons are well-known musicians - Sting, Nora Jones and other stars. Price for one lesson - $ 4.99. Each student, at its discretion, regulates the rate of occupation. Also invited to step-by-step instruction of musical literacy and the basics of music. Famous singers show how to gain their first chords, how to master a particular technique of playing an instrument. It is in these lessons, and even a feature: each student can rehearse, for example, along with Sting, to take his place, just «deletion» star from the core of the group. Do I have to say that such lessons, besides technology, provide a further charge of a huge self-confidence.
Company «Brightstorm» nothing more than an online training center for seniors. All classes are conducted online, the purpose of lessons - to prepare students to enter college. Each lesson lasts 10-20 minutes. The student chooses a subject and teacher. The annual rate for the same thing costs just $ 49. Temperature classes and the number of lessons per day, each pupil varies in its sole discretion. The quality of video has a very high level. Sale or run-off-center during the crisis
It is clear that the topic can be different classes, as well as feed material, and the usefulness of each video. One thing is certain - this new technology, which surely included in our daily lives. It is important to take its place in a new form of business for us.
Even yesterday, such a possibility has been fantastic, and the business idea seemed ridiculous. Today, video lessons not surprise anyone. People studying remotely across the globe. How many pros have this type of education! This opportunity can be used in any home where there is Internet, and ... a desire to learn something new, within the apartment.
Why would we not take this kind of money on armaments? Probably each of us knows how to do something, and do well. You can teach traditional courses - Language school profile subjects or a more serious subjects. You can teach the game on any instrument, together with the students to master certain kinds of needlework, or even build something.
Today leading video professionals in various major industries, the stars from around the world and simple craftsmen, as we are with you. Yesterday, the network stumbled upon the movie, which is very understandable and quickly taught fold napkins. Prior to making the same simple! In another video a wonderful girl, taught nakladyvaniya make-up secrets. Examples can lead indefinitely. The main thing to understand - what you can do, always someone you need. And for people willing to pay money.
Where to begin? To build their site on the subject that you have set forward. By the way, the day Sit in any search engine by sending requests to different types of learning. Look at the statistics - how many queries, and how many of these requests for proposals. Where there is a deficit, and it is directing its efforts.
Decided on the theme, you can move on to the next stage. In order to sell a product, you must have. Start to create video. Here is to you can come to the aid of familiar software, computer, or the same video and audiouroki to create their own video.
For any survey would need a special camera and computer program for the installation of video. The plot would have to write, or myself, or hire a scriptwriter for those purposes, but this would entail additional costs. Will you removed yourself, or ask someone else - it's up to you.
Once the product is created, it must be able to sell. This will require placing the announcement on its website and start viral marketing and advertising. The sooner you learn about the clients, the more you have to be. At the outset, should not exhibit a high fee for their lessons. As long as you have no brand, no name, until your product is not approved market rate request is for a purely nominal fee. Over time, when you can promote your project, your lessons will rise in price.
Here is an example of international experience. Company «Apple» offers music lessons «Artist Lessons». These lessons are well-known musicians - Sting, Nora Jones and other stars. Price for one lesson - $ 4.99. Each student, at its discretion, regulates the rate of occupation. Also invited to step-by-step instruction of musical literacy and the basics of music. Famous singers show how to gain their first chords, how to master a particular technique of playing an instrument. It is in these lessons, and even a feature: each student can rehearse, for example, along with Sting, to take his place, just «deletion» star from the core of the group. Do I have to say that such lessons, besides technology, provide a further charge of a huge self-confidence.
Company «Brightstorm» nothing more than an online training center for seniors. All classes are conducted online, the purpose of lessons - to prepare students to enter college. Each lesson lasts 10-20 minutes. The student chooses a subject and teacher. The annual rate for the same thing costs just $ 49. Temperature classes and the number of lessons per day, each pupil varies in its sole discretion. The quality of video has a very high level. Sale or run-off-center during the crisis
It is clear that the topic can be different classes, as well as feed material, and the usefulness of each video. One thing is certain - this new technology, which surely included in our daily lives. It is important to take its place in a new form of business for us.
Business Idea: Company presentations stars
One of the most costly areas of business is show business. If you're ready to burst into this world of luxury and money, intrigue and adventure, if you believe in yourself - then this business is for you.
Each star has promoted its producer and director. It is these people are investing money in the development of their ward, and the biggest profit goes into their pocket. A young star of money on advertising and promotion manager of his talent and his project is usually not.
To begin you need to compile a database of all the young artists who make only the first steps in your city. The following is sort of this database by genre: singing, dancing, performance of original genres, focus, etc. It is important to meet with each artist, with each team to achieve mutual understanding and in doing so to convince them that this is a mutually beneficial project.
The proposal has been formed, it is time to start «to people», without a whole list of night clubs in the city. Begin with meetings with art directors. That is, you will need outstanding ability communicator, negotiator. It should be noted that this is a special class of people. Because of the regime change and the need to work at night and by day they are very slow to react to external stimuli, in this case, for your suggestions. More often than not, every self-respecting club has a troupe of artists in his state. Therefore, your proposal must bear the fresh stream in the functioning of institutions and an absolute benefit to its owner.
In the first minutes of their talks, you need this benefit show, otherwise they may not take place. For no man sleep easier just to deny than to begin to think and decide. Be persistent but not intrusive. Having collapsed into one or another club, please note that experience in future. Anyway you will find a few clubs, which would agree to show your artists.
With art director must also negotiate payment terms. Better take a prepayment of 50%. As soon as the service provided - it depreciate. With artists also discuss their interest. The most difficult in any business - sell a product successfully. It is not easy on yourself and you take at this time.
Business Idea: Cheap and unique hotel
The organization of this type of business is an excellent school of commerce. If you can sell a few teams can be opened and its «star» agency. If so, then begin to negotiate with the popular teams and stars, inviting them to the local nightclubs and restaurants. Besides - who knows? - Suddenly you're in such a way can open a world star and become a producer or director. The main thing is to start!
Each star has promoted its producer and director. It is these people are investing money in the development of their ward, and the biggest profit goes into their pocket. A young star of money on advertising and promotion manager of his talent and his project is usually not.
To begin you need to compile a database of all the young artists who make only the first steps in your city. The following is sort of this database by genre: singing, dancing, performance of original genres, focus, etc. It is important to meet with each artist, with each team to achieve mutual understanding and in doing so to convince them that this is a mutually beneficial project.
The proposal has been formed, it is time to start «to people», without a whole list of night clubs in the city. Begin with meetings with art directors. That is, you will need outstanding ability communicator, negotiator. It should be noted that this is a special class of people. Because of the regime change and the need to work at night and by day they are very slow to react to external stimuli, in this case, for your suggestions. More often than not, every self-respecting club has a troupe of artists in his state. Therefore, your proposal must bear the fresh stream in the functioning of institutions and an absolute benefit to its owner.
In the first minutes of their talks, you need this benefit show, otherwise they may not take place. For no man sleep easier just to deny than to begin to think and decide. Be persistent but not intrusive. Having collapsed into one or another club, please note that experience in future. Anyway you will find a few clubs, which would agree to show your artists.
With art director must also negotiate payment terms. Better take a prepayment of 50%. As soon as the service provided - it depreciate. With artists also discuss their interest. The most difficult in any business - sell a product successfully. It is not easy on yourself and you take at this time.
Business Idea: Cheap and unique hotel
The organization of this type of business is an excellent school of commerce. If you can sell a few teams can be opened and its «star» agency. If so, then begin to negotiate with the popular teams and stars, inviting them to the local nightclubs and restaurants. Besides - who knows? - Suddenly you're in such a way can open a world star and become a producer or director. The main thing is to start!
Business Idea: Advertising on benches
Advertising is for all and always. The question is the effectiveness and cost. In choosing the competent target audience cost of any advertising will pay off very quickly.
In every town need new benches. This question has always addressed the citizens in the administration. But, as often happens, the budget is not sufficient funds, and residents suffer from a shortage of places to relax on the streets and stops the city.
The idea of this business is - you sign a contract with the producer of outdoor seating. Take permit from the city or area for the installation of benches on the streets, squares and courtyards of the beloved city. Believe me, the administration is always going to meet you - you are free from a pile of problems. Only now, the shops - your property. If skillfully negotiate with the management, leasing the land under this most shops will be minimal or even no.
The profit you'll receive from the date of such advertisement under the benches. For example, you have five or six shops near the university and the major solid numbers posted at each telephone company, which prepares reports, courses and diplomas. Students do not have to feverishly look for a phone number each time before the session, but the company guaranteed the inflow of orders.
Or, for example, on a bench is an inscription: «This set up shop deputy Pupkin. Enjoy your holiday ». I think the top of this deputy will begin to rise sharply. Or: someone from the family wants to perpetuate the memory of a friend, who had a different world. The inscription then is: «Here liked to relax mister xxx».
Ideas for placement of advertisements mass. At the same time still need to take account of this important moment as a protection against vandalism. Like our people and portraits razrisovat attributed obscene words. Because print advertising is done on plain paper and put a banner under plexiglas.
Investment in this business about are: benches value (from $ 200 and above), permit administration, banner printing, installation / disassembly and maintenance of clean (this will require a team of installers). Typically, for mounting / dismounting banners recruited students, who are paid at the rate of the quantity and quality of work performed.
Another cost of the project is its own advertisement and / or advertising sales manager for a product that will look for clients and enter into contracts with third party advertisers.
Easy to calculate the cost price. Feel free to add your own mark here, depending on your region and the competition - it will be part of your profit.
In large cities, the idea has gradually begun to be implemented. On average, city-millionniku cost of such advertising on one or three benches - 2 50$. per month, for four to six - 2 30$. for each location, more than six benches - 2 00$. Typically, advertisers instantly feel the impact of this type of advertising, and quite happy to go on a contract extension.
This idea is good business as a self-start business and to expand services of existing advertising.
In every town need new benches. This question has always addressed the citizens in the administration. But, as often happens, the budget is not sufficient funds, and residents suffer from a shortage of places to relax on the streets and stops the city.
The idea of this business is - you sign a contract with the producer of outdoor seating. Take permit from the city or area for the installation of benches on the streets, squares and courtyards of the beloved city. Believe me, the administration is always going to meet you - you are free from a pile of problems. Only now, the shops - your property. If skillfully negotiate with the management, leasing the land under this most shops will be minimal or even no.
The profit you'll receive from the date of such advertisement under the benches. For example, you have five or six shops near the university and the major solid numbers posted at each telephone company, which prepares reports, courses and diplomas. Students do not have to feverishly look for a phone number each time before the session, but the company guaranteed the inflow of orders.
Or, for example, on a bench is an inscription: «This set up shop deputy Pupkin. Enjoy your holiday ». I think the top of this deputy will begin to rise sharply. Or: someone from the family wants to perpetuate the memory of a friend, who had a different world. The inscription then is: «Here liked to relax mister xxx».
Ideas for placement of advertisements mass. At the same time still need to take account of this important moment as a protection against vandalism. Like our people and portraits razrisovat attributed obscene words. Because print advertising is done on plain paper and put a banner under plexiglas.
Investment in this business about are: benches value (from $ 200 and above), permit administration, banner printing, installation / disassembly and maintenance of clean (this will require a team of installers). Typically, for mounting / dismounting banners recruited students, who are paid at the rate of the quantity and quality of work performed.
Another cost of the project is its own advertisement and / or advertising sales manager for a product that will look for clients and enter into contracts with third party advertisers.
Easy to calculate the cost price. Feel free to add your own mark here, depending on your region and the competition - it will be part of your profit.
In large cities, the idea has gradually begun to be implemented. On average, city-millionniku cost of such advertising on one or three benches - 2 50$. per month, for four to six - 2 30$. for each location, more than six benches - 2 00$. Typically, advertisers instantly feel the impact of this type of advertising, and quite happy to go on a contract extension.
This idea is good business as a self-start business and to expand services of existing advertising.
Business idea: Rental of the trees - to improve the environment
This idea at first glance may seem raving, but it is only at first glance. Every business must comply, and a noble mission, to promote the establishment of the social image. This idea is great and important mission.
The essence of the idea is simple - take the lease of a deserted, neuhozhenny park. There are many in each city. Competently hold talks with the administration of the district or city, explained that virtually vzvalivaem a part of their concerns on the improvement of city people. However, our main task - to create a place of recreation for the citizens, make it a cultural.
Business Idea: Business in a double
Then make the announcement in local newspapers - proclaim wide auction. Connects clever lawyers for the contract with the tenants of trees. Any tree can be rented for a month, year or term of your lease of the park or forest. The most important thing - clearly stated in the contract that could be and what not. The tree can be called his own name, set it near the plate to take care of them and so on. Categorically not cut away and damaging it, anchoring it to anything. In the preparation of a detailed contract, all details should be agreed.
First, the price of rent is very high do not - in the region of 1000-2000 rubles. for a monthly rental of a tree. Part of the money will go to improvement of park area, a part of - your net profit.
Through all possible channels of advertising to address the people of the city and wealthy entrepreneurs. Declares subbotnik, invite students, schoolchildren and everyone. The challenge - to clear the area from debris and plant new shrubs and trees. The program can be made and charity auctions, inviting urban community organizations.
Over time, when the park zone, finally, a real place, it will be possible to build infrastructure. Most importantly - do not clutter forest. Several toilets, playgrounds, dance floor, cafe, stalls with water and ice cream. All this can be placed on the sublease terms, inviting entrepreneurs. Calculate profit easy.
You will need outstanding ability to persuade and negotiate at the highest level. But ovchinka worth dressing. And most importantly, that this an excellent business background - to make our world a cleaner and more beautiful, to give the residents of one corner of rest, clean and comfortable.
Coming to visit relatives in hospital, please note that not every office has a TV, even on the floor. About the House is not leading. Each company If none of the chambers did not have a TV Business Idea: Selling pictures online, the patients with difficult away the long, dreary evening.
I propose to consider such an idea as rental of televisions and DVD-player with headphones at hospitals and long-distance trains. Business Idea: How to make an unusual turpohode
At the hospital, you will need to agree beforehand with the head office or directly to the main doctor that they are allowed to place your ad on the board and in the wards Business idea: A small copy center of this exciting service.
Be sure to perform the monitoring of prices for rental of the equipment in your city. Prices can be done as more democratic and accessible.
Start with a second-hand vehicles. Now the prices of television sets and players down, you can buy new and at very competitive prices. By DVD-player you'll need the disks with films of various genres. Because of his collection is well to have a few dozen discs. With expensive equipment may have problems - there is always the temptation to steal the new and prestigious technology. In the hospital environment more important is the fact of some entertainment.
Project payback is very quick, profitable business, however, is quite troublesome. You need to not just find a customer, you'll need to bring him the technique, take the pledge or passport, to show how this technique works, take it in working condition. Beneficial to pass at once for a week or 10 days.
There are no cash machines, you do not need. Will need only a receipt of strict accountability.
Why is it beneficial to patients? Normally, extra TVs and home DVD-players do not happen. Delivery of there and back, even if the relatives of patients free of devices and their own transport, would cost half the weekly rental cost. If the house is just an expensive technology, carry it to the hospital room and is inefficient, especially if there is still a few patients. Because the demand for this service will always be. Index - skillfully negotiate with the medical staff.
For each rental TV Naklo your phone number - yet another kind of advertising. Try one hospital to take multiple orders. Then save time and costs will be significant.
You can also organize a similar business in the long-distance trains. To do this you need to enter into a contract with the chief of the train.Free content for your site, how to create
It should be noted that the machines break down, so the cost of repairs should be built into the price of hire. Business Idea: Delivery of drugs at home
After receiving the profits of the funds to delay the project by buying a new TV and DVD, even second-hand, on the ads. Sale or run-off-center during the crisis Very high prices for this service do not - so the image falls on a social project.
Happy you start.
I propose to consider such an idea as rental of televisions and DVD-player with headphones at hospitals and long-distance trains. Business Idea: How to make an unusual turpohode
At the hospital, you will need to agree beforehand with the head office or directly to the main doctor that they are allowed to place your ad on the board and in the wards Business idea: A small copy center of this exciting service.
Be sure to perform the monitoring of prices for rental of the equipment in your city. Prices can be done as more democratic and accessible.
Start with a second-hand vehicles. Now the prices of television sets and players down, you can buy new and at very competitive prices. By DVD-player you'll need the disks with films of various genres. Because of his collection is well to have a few dozen discs. With expensive equipment may have problems - there is always the temptation to steal the new and prestigious technology. In the hospital environment more important is the fact of some entertainment.
Project payback is very quick, profitable business, however, is quite troublesome. You need to not just find a customer, you'll need to bring him the technique, take the pledge or passport, to show how this technique works, take it in working condition. Beneficial to pass at once for a week or 10 days.
There are no cash machines, you do not need. Will need only a receipt of strict accountability.
Why is it beneficial to patients? Normally, extra TVs and home DVD-players do not happen. Delivery of there and back, even if the relatives of patients free of devices and their own transport, would cost half the weekly rental cost. If the house is just an expensive technology, carry it to the hospital room and is inefficient, especially if there is still a few patients. Because the demand for this service will always be. Index - skillfully negotiate with the medical staff.
For each rental TV Naklo your phone number - yet another kind of advertising. Try one hospital to take multiple orders. Then save time and costs will be significant.
You can also organize a similar business in the long-distance trains. To do this you need to enter into a contract with the chief of the train.Free content for your site, how to create
It should be noted that the machines break down, so the cost of repairs should be built into the price of hire. Business Idea: Delivery of drugs at home
After receiving the profits of the funds to delay the project by buying a new TV and DVD, even second-hand, on the ads. Sale or run-off-center during the crisis Very high prices for this service do not - so the image falls on a social project.
Happy you start.
Business Idea: Cheap and unique hotel
Business Idea: Cheap and unique hotel
A lot of traveling, I try to prepare yourself in advance with shelter and a home in each city. In today's world to find a free hotel easily via the Internet and telephone, without leaving home. But while I am constantly faced with high prices for housing, particularly in Europe. But I do not need expensive apartments, I have other goals visit new countries. I need experience, I'm going on business or to meet with friends and relatives. For me, it is important to have a guaranteed roof over your head with the convenience and quality food.
Tourism is developing around the world, and now travel routes are laid even in the quiet corners of the world. Because construction of a cheap hotel will always be in demand as a business idea.
It is necessary to ask the international experience of placement of hotels in the most exotic locations - from the caves and cellars to the crowns of trees and under a glass dome. Probably some kind of idea you come on your own «open». When autumn - begin to promote the idea to life. People like all unusual.
In Stavropol, in Arkhyz a folk umelets built Twisted house «on chicken legs». In front of the house on the meadow are accessories for photographing visitors from stupa and a broom, heroic mace, vytochennoy of wood. Near the door pribity the horns of wild mountain sheep, but inside is a museum of archaeological finds of ancient masters: weapons, various metal products, etc.
For the nominal fee of tourists admit to this house, you can reach the second floor balcony and the master of easy movement of the hand - no electricity or power-drive! - Is brought into the house. You are rotating with the house and before you unfolding panorama of the surrounding mountain landscape ... The flow of tourists to the owner of the house is not on giving all year round. Nearby is also a hotel and cheap. Business is very profitable. Index - to see or create something attractive and sell a full range of services.
In the city Sevelen (Switzerland), the city authorities have decided to equip the hotel by an underground bunker. All 15 rooms at a very democratic prices for the night gave their owners hope for a quick return on the project.
Owners of an underground hotel in the interior of the hotel brought a note of creativity. Broadcast videos of landscapes in the window niches, fountain with floating flowers in the interior of the hotel - these elements create the illusion of space and comfort of the guests.
In the UK, namely in times of crisis is developing a network of cheap hotels in Hoxton style «budget luxury». Number of luxury in a hotel at night is worth 1 pound (1,2 €). Then, as in other hotels in the country the demand for hotel services plummeted in the network still have customers.
Uniqueness and exclusivity are always in honor of our clients. They need experience - so they give it! After all, they are willing to pay for them.
A lot of traveling, I try to prepare yourself in advance with shelter and a home in each city. In today's world to find a free hotel easily via the Internet and telephone, without leaving home. But while I am constantly faced with high prices for housing, particularly in Europe. But I do not need expensive apartments, I have other goals visit new countries. I need experience, I'm going on business or to meet with friends and relatives. For me, it is important to have a guaranteed roof over your head with the convenience and quality food.
Tourism is developing around the world, and now travel routes are laid even in the quiet corners of the world. Because construction of a cheap hotel will always be in demand as a business idea.
It is necessary to ask the international experience of placement of hotels in the most exotic locations - from the caves and cellars to the crowns of trees and under a glass dome. Probably some kind of idea you come on your own «open». When autumn - begin to promote the idea to life. People like all unusual.
In Stavropol, in Arkhyz a folk umelets built Twisted house «on chicken legs». In front of the house on the meadow are accessories for photographing visitors from stupa and a broom, heroic mace, vytochennoy of wood. Near the door pribity the horns of wild mountain sheep, but inside is a museum of archaeological finds of ancient masters: weapons, various metal products, etc.
For the nominal fee of tourists admit to this house, you can reach the second floor balcony and the master of easy movement of the hand - no electricity or power-drive! - Is brought into the house. You are rotating with the house and before you unfolding panorama of the surrounding mountain landscape ... The flow of tourists to the owner of the house is not on giving all year round. Nearby is also a hotel and cheap. Business is very profitable. Index - to see or create something attractive and sell a full range of services.
In the city Sevelen (Switzerland), the city authorities have decided to equip the hotel by an underground bunker. All 15 rooms at a very democratic prices for the night gave their owners hope for a quick return on the project.
Owners of an underground hotel in the interior of the hotel brought a note of creativity. Broadcast videos of landscapes in the window niches, fountain with floating flowers in the interior of the hotel - these elements create the illusion of space and comfort of the guests.
In the UK, namely in times of crisis is developing a network of cheap hotels in Hoxton style «budget luxury». Number of luxury in a hotel at night is worth 1 pound (1,2 €). Then, as in other hotels in the country the demand for hotel services plummeted in the network still have customers.
Uniqueness and exclusivity are always in honor of our clients. They need experience - so they give it! After all, they are willing to pay for them.
Recreating retrosnimkov
Memory - is one of the most valuable component of our memory. This gift, which is allowed to possess humans. That is what cherishes each of us, regardless of how you met, and runs his life, how bright and exciting moments were experienced. Even in the most boring and monotonous life are always warm and unforgettable moments that are warm in the days of hardship and joy are complementary in the case of success and victories.
Memories help to escape from the bustle and daily concerns, give force to achieve goals, maintain our feelings. Cherished memories as anything else. Recollections differ: how volant suddenly, like a wave down, and creep in an hour, when the «heart schemit». Remembering can cause movies, at home, those old yellowed photographs in the album of the time ...
It was about the photographs and will be discussed. Photos help to not only remember the events endured - they give a person an opportunity to keep intact his record. Keep it as it was then, when this was considered excellent. Each picture - a story of man and his family relic, which is tantamount to losing the loss of particles of the soul. Photos are a ticket in our past, at a time when things were not so, as it is now. I'd like to always maintain the kind, that the brightness of those colors, which have in the creation, and that they helped to carry through life's storms baggage of memories, personal and valuable for everyone. For this photo, like any thing, must be kept under certain conditions, that is not always possible. Keeping the same is depicted in them, photographs of themselves do not remain constant. They are exposed to time, temperature, moisture, which in this case razrushayusche affect the image.
More recently, old photos, you can restore it only in the studios or in the professional photo. Now it can be done with the help of specially designed computer programs to do this, simply to explore. If you are confident using a computer and a good knowledge of Photoshop `th, then over time can become an expert in this matter. Buy or download from the internet literature and well it Be. For the development of this program, it is also desirable to attend forums on Photoshop `at and how retouching and restoration retrosnimkov. Then, on the situation, it would be possible to determine the necessity and feasibility of using other programs to complement or facilitate your work.
To realize the idea of renovation and restoration retrosnimkov you need a modern PC, allowing braking and without waiting to work in the required programs, the monitor, which is to choose carefully, the rate of its good color scanner and printer. With a scanner, all quite simple - like an ordinary flatbed scanner with a resolution of at least 600 dpi. When you select the scanner should also focus on its dynamic range (D), preferably not less than 3.2. From the printer's capabilities will determine the quality of the finished product and, consequently, your professionalism in the eyes of customers. The ideal option is a color laser printer. However, high-quality laser printer, alas, not all available because of high cost. Then the only option available is a color inkjet printer. But in this case, you must immediately warn against the purchase four printer, as it is for poligrafskoy work. To print to a printer, high-quality images, you need to know especially the three-and four-color separation images and the ability to transfer trichromatic image in four.
Among the modern printing machines, there is a large number of inkjet printers from well-known manufacturers. When choosing a printer should use the tips and the only good once all the merits and demerits of a model to start buying.
For any business it is important to the issue of placement and organization of working process. Thus, you need a room or area where you can, is not constrained by their actions, establish all the necessary equipment and is conveniently located customer. The cost of renting space in the center of a city requires a large investment, but at an early stage of development, it is simply disastrous for business. The best option is to rent a small space in fotomagazine a photographer. In this case you will have the ability to quickly and at lower costs in advertising to draw attention to your business. It can come in any area of the store, whose leadership would agree to your location.
Until you need to make sure that you already had the album, which compiled the material, which includes both the original, and the processed pictures. You can show as proof of his skill. In preparing the album, try to make it as diverse and can be brighter, presenting samples of all possible options for handling images. This album in the presence of knowledge and abilities would be difficult to do. You will need your photos, as well as photos of your friends and relatives, as old or new, which would be work.
In the process, do not forget to monitor the availability of expendable material. Never let it expire, which usually occurs at the most opportune moment and did not result in the loss of a client.
In the future, gained some experience, you can include in the list of its correction services, installation, combining different pictures, the creation of exclusive gifts, personal cards, etc.
Memories help to escape from the bustle and daily concerns, give force to achieve goals, maintain our feelings. Cherished memories as anything else. Recollections differ: how volant suddenly, like a wave down, and creep in an hour, when the «heart schemit». Remembering can cause movies, at home, those old yellowed photographs in the album of the time ...
It was about the photographs and will be discussed. Photos help to not only remember the events endured - they give a person an opportunity to keep intact his record. Keep it as it was then, when this was considered excellent. Each picture - a story of man and his family relic, which is tantamount to losing the loss of particles of the soul. Photos are a ticket in our past, at a time when things were not so, as it is now. I'd like to always maintain the kind, that the brightness of those colors, which have in the creation, and that they helped to carry through life's storms baggage of memories, personal and valuable for everyone. For this photo, like any thing, must be kept under certain conditions, that is not always possible. Keeping the same is depicted in them, photographs of themselves do not remain constant. They are exposed to time, temperature, moisture, which in this case razrushayusche affect the image.
More recently, old photos, you can restore it only in the studios or in the professional photo. Now it can be done with the help of specially designed computer programs to do this, simply to explore. If you are confident using a computer and a good knowledge of Photoshop `th, then over time can become an expert in this matter. Buy or download from the internet literature and well it Be. For the development of this program, it is also desirable to attend forums on Photoshop `at and how retouching and restoration retrosnimkov. Then, on the situation, it would be possible to determine the necessity and feasibility of using other programs to complement or facilitate your work.
To realize the idea of renovation and restoration retrosnimkov you need a modern PC, allowing braking and without waiting to work in the required programs, the monitor, which is to choose carefully, the rate of its good color scanner and printer. With a scanner, all quite simple - like an ordinary flatbed scanner with a resolution of at least 600 dpi. When you select the scanner should also focus on its dynamic range (D), preferably not less than 3.2. From the printer's capabilities will determine the quality of the finished product and, consequently, your professionalism in the eyes of customers. The ideal option is a color laser printer. However, high-quality laser printer, alas, not all available because of high cost. Then the only option available is a color inkjet printer. But in this case, you must immediately warn against the purchase four printer, as it is for poligrafskoy work. To print to a printer, high-quality images, you need to know especially the three-and four-color separation images and the ability to transfer trichromatic image in four.
Among the modern printing machines, there is a large number of inkjet printers from well-known manufacturers. When choosing a printer should use the tips and the only good once all the merits and demerits of a model to start buying.
For any business it is important to the issue of placement and organization of working process. Thus, you need a room or area where you can, is not constrained by their actions, establish all the necessary equipment and is conveniently located customer. The cost of renting space in the center of a city requires a large investment, but at an early stage of development, it is simply disastrous for business. The best option is to rent a small space in fotomagazine a photographer. In this case you will have the ability to quickly and at lower costs in advertising to draw attention to your business. It can come in any area of the store, whose leadership would agree to your location.
Until you need to make sure that you already had the album, which compiled the material, which includes both the original, and the processed pictures. You can show as proof of his skill. In preparing the album, try to make it as diverse and can be brighter, presenting samples of all possible options for handling images. This album in the presence of knowledge and abilities would be difficult to do. You will need your photos, as well as photos of your friends and relatives, as old or new, which would be work.
In the process, do not forget to monitor the availability of expendable material. Never let it expire, which usually occurs at the most opportune moment and did not result in the loss of a client.
In the future, gained some experience, you can include in the list of its correction services, installation, combining different pictures, the creation of exclusive gifts, personal cards, etc.
Creating retrofotografy to order
Any city began with the construction of the main street, which, in turn, rebuilt around a major source of life and culture of the city: churches, churches, market squares, factories, mines, etc., and how to develop basic industries for the city, directly affecting its architectural appearance and layout of streets. And now, centuries later, you can see the city from the streets, outwards from the center or around it, with distinct smooth square boundaries, etc.
In the process of urban growth up to date buildings, changed layout of streets. The development of science has made it possible to build higher and capacious building. Today, more and more old buildings communicate, and in their place to build a modern shopping and office centers or showrooms presentable. Nevertheless, everyone always thinks about the past of a building and asked: «What has happened in this house?», «What has been here before?». Historical and architectural monuments include on the memorial with all the necessary information, but what about the ordinary homes? - They are changing, and changing with incredible speed. Probably, many familiar, as he returned after many years of absence where passed childhood or college years, as mentioned in the past hour, as the search for places associated with important events. And when the memorial sites are found entirely different building, there is a wonderful feeling of nostalgia - it appears almost all of which may become a prerequisite for creating wonderful business that allows to combine business with pleasure.
This article is published in continuation of previously published articles related to the restoration retrofotografy ( «Recreating vintage photos»). It will be offered an option to supplement the services retouching and photo editing.
So, the fastest-date is the central part of the city. In this part of the presentation taking place banks opening new ultramodnyh shops and boutiques, as well as showrooms for the sale of automobiles, etc. But in their place once stood the old mansions, building attendance seats were broken squares and parks. Retrosnimki, zapechatlevshie previously located at the site the building will enable the people of the city back to the past, owners of modern institutions - receive excellent publicity and an excellent addition to the design, you have - money.
To do this you need to know the history of the city and have a lot of negatives and retrofotografy city: streets, squares, parks, homes, etc. These pictures can buy hand-held, through advertisements in newspapers or in the shop, which has already submitted your business. While working in the field of photographic services, you will rotate in a circle of people interested in such information, which can greatly facilitate your search and to establish valuable links. In addition, it is possible to conclude an agreement with the city for you to archive copies of old photographs. For his part, you can offer assistance in organizing various events and exhibits (but for this you need to be already well-known specialists in their field).
These photographs and copies of photographs will need to otretushirovat, frames in the frame, to prepare them for sale. These photographs can be modern real estate owners. Because of their uniqueness, they are relatively easy to sell. Be prepared for the fact that, for the sale of several works, you will treat new clients.
Coming flow of customers - this is undoubtedly good, but it must be remembered that not all buildings and sites you have retrosnimki and that the customer can not refuse, even more so when he came on the recommendation. In this case, the client can make an application for retrofotografiyu in the application, it should describe in detail that he would like to see in the picture. On the basis of the application, using the programs you already know, and there are other old original photo, you create a snapshot that is needed to your client. In this case, you can even have a set of pre-prepared images of old houses and the various so-called «decoration» (in electronic form) that can show the client in selecting the components for a future photo. In addition to images of streets and houses, you can invite to add to your photos, for example, some of famous people past, as if recorded on the background of the building, the interests of your client. Modify the proposed business can be in many ways, making changes, amendments, and tuning it to fit the specifics of each city, but all would depend solely on your skills and imagination.
The original photographs, mounted on historic ground, will give a unique opportunity to observe the old house, pamphlets, streets, parks, recorded in different years and stored in the memory of the past history of time, and your logo to create a wonderful advertisement for your business.
Business idea: Publish the magazine with discounted coupons
The idea of this business has firmly entered our everyday life. The publisher-advertiser collects coupons as an advertising any service or product. Seller of this service or product is guaranteed a new influx of customers, but most buyers - a clear benefit in the form of a convenient directory to select the desired service / goods and the possibility of acquiring it from a considerable discount.Business Idea To implement this idea is convenient and interesting, and beneficial to all three sides is obvious.
To get started, need state advertising agents and the literate offer. Agents receive a percentage of the amount of orders attracted customers. For your convenience, you can make a few journal entries: for example, household goods, medical services, business services, flora, fauna, and so on. Then the managers can be given the task to collect advertisements / coupons in these areas.
In the state must be a designer who will design and build models of coupons general view of the magazine. Print publications can be ordered ready for printing. Before an order is to monitor prices. From my own experience - range of prices so high, that does not depend either on the quality of printing, either from the circulation, but from the desires of the owners of printing centers. It is therefore important to find just a printer. To get started, you can conclude a contract on a one-time deal. If you enjoy the work and quality services at all stages, it is possible to enter into long-term contract.
With clients, advertisers, which will determine your financial success, it is important to enter into long-term contracts, with an indication of the journal addresses the proliferation of coupons. These magazines are distributed free in shopping malls, in the auto and cafes, where there are most likely potential customers for your advertisers.
Some copies are distributed as gifts to customers when purchasing goods or services from the advertisers themselves. They get that part of you, together with an act of the work done.
I, as buyer, are always interested in any stores or salons offer discounts on some services to a commodity, has the opportunity to compare and choose. In addition, new businesses advertise their services immediately prityagivaya customers attractive discounts by combining with and a statement of its opening, and the favorable action in the form of a discount coupon.
Conventional advertising magazines are no longer so relevant, of course, in their view there is some benefit, but the journals with the discount - is attractive. For them - the future.
To get started, need state advertising agents and the literate offer. Agents receive a percentage of the amount of orders attracted customers. For your convenience, you can make a few journal entries: for example, household goods, medical services, business services, flora, fauna, and so on. Then the managers can be given the task to collect advertisements / coupons in these areas.
In the state must be a designer who will design and build models of coupons general view of the magazine. Print publications can be ordered ready for printing. Before an order is to monitor prices. From my own experience - range of prices so high, that does not depend either on the quality of printing, either from the circulation, but from the desires of the owners of printing centers. It is therefore important to find just a printer. To get started, you can conclude a contract on a one-time deal. If you enjoy the work and quality services at all stages, it is possible to enter into long-term contract.
With clients, advertisers, which will determine your financial success, it is important to enter into long-term contracts, with an indication of the journal addresses the proliferation of coupons. These magazines are distributed free in shopping malls, in the auto and cafes, where there are most likely potential customers for your advertisers.
Some copies are distributed as gifts to customers when purchasing goods or services from the advertisers themselves. They get that part of you, together with an act of the work done.
I, as buyer, are always interested in any stores or salons offer discounts on some services to a commodity, has the opportunity to compare and choose. In addition, new businesses advertise their services immediately prityagivaya customers attractive discounts by combining with and a statement of its opening, and the favorable action in the form of a discount coupon.
Conventional advertising magazines are no longer so relevant, of course, in their view there is some benefit, but the journals with the discount - is attractive. For them - the future.
Business Idea: The telescope at the observatory site
This option requires certain business investment. A good telescope / binoculars from the world's leading manufacturers is 5 000 $ -6 $ 000.
The idea of this business is: in a city lease of a viewing platform from where a beautiful view of the natural beauty and panoramic view of the city. On-site set fee telescope / binoculars on a stand and see the plaque with tariffs. Dear binoculars mounted on a metal rack and vkapyvayutsya in the ground, they antivandalnym covered with a protective layer of aluminum and anticorrosive film. Business idea: an exciting journey with adventures...The set of binoculars mounted zhetonopriemniki, which laid the coin as a pay-per-view
Telescopes, binoculars set at airports, parks, beaches, canyons, harbors, the city attractions and the cruise ship.
Business Idea: Business in a double
To advance this idea needs a strong advertising campaign. You can ask the organizer of city holidays, and for a certain percentage set binoculars / telescope in the days of folk festivals. At the same time handing out business cards and brochures to invitations to visit a standing item inspection beauties the city, where people create the effect of the direct presence. In the west, and in America, virtually all the tourist routes have such a service.
The cost of such services can make $ -5 $ 3 on weekdays for 10 minutes of viewing and to raise the price on the days events. Is easy to calculate the payback period project. 20-30 people per day will be $ 100. Sam binoculars pay for two months, the cost of rent and taxes plus the salary of the staff. After six months - in the most difficult case - will begin to receive the net profit.
Even if your town already has this service, you can always find some more interesting scene in the city and attract tourists there and the city's residents. If you agree with the tour operators, they can lead you to targeted groups of tourists for sightseeing. You can explore the history and by the native land and also provide services for inspection, conducting tours.
The idea of this business is: in a city lease of a viewing platform from where a beautiful view of the natural beauty and panoramic view of the city. On-site set fee telescope / binoculars on a stand and see the plaque with tariffs. Dear binoculars mounted on a metal rack and vkapyvayutsya in the ground, they antivandalnym covered with a protective layer of aluminum and anticorrosive film. Business idea: an exciting journey with adventures...The set of binoculars mounted zhetonopriemniki, which laid the coin as a pay-per-view
Telescopes, binoculars set at airports, parks, beaches, canyons, harbors, the city attractions and the cruise ship.
Business Idea: Business in a double
To advance this idea needs a strong advertising campaign. You can ask the organizer of city holidays, and for a certain percentage set binoculars / telescope in the days of folk festivals. At the same time handing out business cards and brochures to invitations to visit a standing item inspection beauties the city, where people create the effect of the direct presence. In the west, and in America, virtually all the tourist routes have such a service.
The cost of such services can make $ -5 $ 3 on weekdays for 10 minutes of viewing and to raise the price on the days events. Is easy to calculate the payback period project. 20-30 people per day will be $ 100. Sam binoculars pay for two months, the cost of rent and taxes plus the salary of the staff. After six months - in the most difficult case - will begin to receive the net profit.
Even if your town already has this service, you can always find some more interesting scene in the city and attract tourists there and the city's residents. If you agree with the tour operators, they can lead you to targeted groups of tourists for sightseeing. You can explore the history and by the native land and also provide services for inspection, conducting tours.
Business Idea: Hand flokirovanie
Flokirovanie - the creation of velvety surface, causing velvet material on any surface. It is pleasant to handle soft flokirovannuyu tube cell or home phone, iron zaflokirovannuyu avtopanel his car. It is very fashionable, modern and not beaten. Fresh idea - it is important to have time to become the first in this case, as velvet is not never gone out of fashion!
Other benefits include coverage Floquet causing durability and wide range of colors that will satisfy the most refined taste. Flokirovat can be absolutely everything - from the interior, doors, car, cell phone and finishing with bottles and computer shells.
To implement this idea will require manual flokator, the price of it varies in the region of $ 500. Kilogram Floquet worth of $ 30 or less, depending on the amount and terms of delivery. Also take into account the cost of rent and advertising. That's all invest in the project.
When you purchase a vehicle, it is important to find the favorable pattern of cooperation with the manufacturer, to enter into correspondence with him and find out all the details. Typically, each manufacturer is interested in the professional and free education of their clients. Necessarily require guarantees and a contract for the supply of your vehicle.
This idea is not yet widespread, so will need to start applying beautiful designs flokirovaniya and throw, cling advertising. Partly for the distribution of advertising leaflets can be any shopping centers and car washes, coffee shops and cinemas.
At all kinds of shows you can demonstrate the process of obtaining a beautiful velvety surface, zasypaya in the bunker flokatora mass Floquet. One kilogram of the material is enough for 5-6 square. m surface.
Will only show potential clients the beauty and simplicity of application of Floquet on any surface and set to the service cost that is acceptable in the region.
The idea will be interesting both for self-realization, and for inclusion in the list of services provided to existing advertising agencies and studios tuning cars.
Other benefits include coverage Floquet causing durability and wide range of colors that will satisfy the most refined taste. Flokirovat can be absolutely everything - from the interior, doors, car, cell phone and finishing with bottles and computer shells.
To implement this idea will require manual flokator, the price of it varies in the region of $ 500. Kilogram Floquet worth of $ 30 or less, depending on the amount and terms of delivery. Also take into account the cost of rent and advertising. That's all invest in the project.
When you purchase a vehicle, it is important to find the favorable pattern of cooperation with the manufacturer, to enter into correspondence with him and find out all the details. Typically, each manufacturer is interested in the professional and free education of their clients. Necessarily require guarantees and a contract for the supply of your vehicle.
This idea is not yet widespread, so will need to start applying beautiful designs flokirovaniya and throw, cling advertising. Partly for the distribution of advertising leaflets can be any shopping centers and car washes, coffee shops and cinemas.
At all kinds of shows you can demonstrate the process of obtaining a beautiful velvety surface, zasypaya in the bunker flokatora mass Floquet. One kilogram of the material is enough for 5-6 square. m surface.
Will only show potential clients the beauty and simplicity of application of Floquet on any surface and set to the service cost that is acceptable in the region.
The idea will be interesting both for self-realization, and for inclusion in the list of services provided to existing advertising agencies and studios tuning cars.
Free content for your site, how to create a site with an interview.
About a month ago, I gave an interview to magazine news. The conversation turned out to be quite interesting, and interviews, in my opinion, too. Then I thought: "Well it's a great idea for business" - to interview the owners of various sites and publish them.
Since the publication of the latest business ideas associated with the Internet, I often came questions about how to get free content for your site. Here's to you and the number one! Create a project, which will publish the interview. Elaborate theme, a list of questions and send out invitations to owners of sites.
If your questions are well-structured, opponents seem interesting, then you get a portal with unique content. In addition, site owners, who you interviewed are likely to place links to these publications in their own.
Thus, your project at once solve all problems - unique content, promotion of a site, an interesting and frequently updated material.
Since the publication of the latest business ideas associated with the Internet, I often came questions about how to get free content for your site. Here's to you and the number one! Create a project, which will publish the interview. Elaborate theme, a list of questions and send out invitations to owners of sites.
If your questions are well-structured, opponents seem interesting, then you get a portal with unique content. In addition, site owners, who you interviewed are likely to place links to these publications in their own.
Thus, your project at once solve all problems - unique content, promotion of a site, an interesting and frequently updated material.
Business Idea: Delivery of drugs at home
Pizza delivery and products at home is now difficult to surprise anyone. In every major city such a service exists. While in this area as a niche not yet occupied. Delivery of drugs in the house has a social orientation. Big up from this type of business can be obtained only with well-promoted project, where the service knows about all or almost all.
It is clear that no product can be a time to do, but without the drugs ... You can pay for health and even lives. Delivery of drugs should be carried out round the clock. Buy them all at once does not make sense - never guess who and what you need.
For the organization of this business need to enter into contracts with all-night drugstore to get medicine from them on concessional terms, with discounts. In the best case - be able to get the goods on the implementation. In addition, we need to be a car, landline phone and an efficient public service ads in the local media.
The scheme is simple and clear to any retiree, and student - the customer makes an order by phone, and within one to two hours, you bring the medicine to your home or cottage, in an agency or office. Cash machine in this case, you only need a miniature, portable.
Service delivery of drugs at home can take advantage of those who can not for whatever other reasons to leave the house, office - usually a lone pensioners and sick people in every city them very much. Also, ask for help, under certain conditions, can rest in the country or outside the city.
Each developed its own charging out, depending on the mileage, the amount of your order and delivery time. All this, each client must be informed prior to the import of drugs to order.
The work of such a service should be-established as a clock, or else people will have a negative attitude towards these kind of services. Prices for delivery of drugs should not exceed their cost. In advertising you need to immediately report the minimum amount of order.
It is very useful to begin to communicate with taxi service and learn from their experiences of working with false orders. If the price and delivery time will be accepted very soon you will be regular consumers of such services.
With the development of business, you can contact the gorzdravotdel to allocate some part of the social co-payment for the delivery of drugs to these categories of citizens. In fact, you'll make them work. Then, and retirees will be easier to pay only a portion of services. But for this you need to earn some experience and authority in his city.
It is clear that no product can be a time to do, but without the drugs ... You can pay for health and even lives. Delivery of drugs should be carried out round the clock. Buy them all at once does not make sense - never guess who and what you need.
For the organization of this business need to enter into contracts with all-night drugstore to get medicine from them on concessional terms, with discounts. In the best case - be able to get the goods on the implementation. In addition, we need to be a car, landline phone and an efficient public service ads in the local media.
The scheme is simple and clear to any retiree, and student - the customer makes an order by phone, and within one to two hours, you bring the medicine to your home or cottage, in an agency or office. Cash machine in this case, you only need a miniature, portable.
Service delivery of drugs at home can take advantage of those who can not for whatever other reasons to leave the house, office - usually a lone pensioners and sick people in every city them very much. Also, ask for help, under certain conditions, can rest in the country or outside the city.
Each developed its own charging out, depending on the mileage, the amount of your order and delivery time. All this, each client must be informed prior to the import of drugs to order.
The work of such a service should be-established as a clock, or else people will have a negative attitude towards these kind of services. Prices for delivery of drugs should not exceed their cost. In advertising you need to immediately report the minimum amount of order.
It is very useful to begin to communicate with taxi service and learn from their experiences of working with false orders. If the price and delivery time will be accepted very soon you will be regular consumers of such services.
With the development of business, you can contact the gorzdravotdel to allocate some part of the social co-payment for the delivery of drugs to these categories of citizens. In fact, you'll make them work. Then, and retirees will be easier to pay only a portion of services. But for this you need to earn some experience and authority in his city.
Sale or run-off-center during the crisis
Business Idea: Sale or run-off-center during the crisis
Stock Center no surprise - they are now found on every street corner, and second-hand. The idea itself is not new, but it can be adapted to the crisis.
The essence of this idea is this: was a large room or are in the rental housing officers halls, houses of culture, etc., which are now also suffering from neglect. In the rented premises are invited to the major stores for sales. Invite only whether clothing stores or home appliances, or make a mix, offering in one place all the goods - it's up to you. Details tell the clients themselves.
In fact, get more sales fair. You can call it in different ways - «Fair« The prices in half, »or« Locate your goods »,« Mini price in maxi-shop ». Catchy title to attract maximum attention.
Enter into contracts with stores that are interested in implementing залежавшегося product can be for a long time or full time sales. If you are constantly exposed to more and more new stores, it will attract more buyers. Customers will be responsible for the new proposals, and shops - simply get rid of unwanted goods.
You can donate a place to shop sublease terms, and can take their goods to the realization of the complete elimination of the collection. Index - no prepayment. Profits will go from two sources - subtenancy and premium on the value of the goods handed over for implementation.
Every shop from time to time itself runs an action «sale». Only here do not always know about this client. And here in one place you can buy everything you need for the dumping price, always!
This business has been good at all times. Time crisis - time to start a new business. Develop the experience, connections, clients. After the crisis to the case will already be easier - just to buy the remains of a seasonal brand names at half price and sell at low prices, always with a grateful customer.
It is clear that for the opening of any retail outlet requires permission and security, cash registers and service personnel. If you take the goods to the realization - in a break-even point of such an enterprise will be released fairly quickly.
Why is it beneficial to shop? There is such a thing - good merchandising. For profitable operation of any retail outlet needs a rapid turnover, ie the goods must quickly withdraw from the shelves and hangers to make room for another, which will bring even greater gains. If for any reason the goods on a shelf залежался - shop begins to suffer losses. Approaching the new collection, but its nowhere to hang and play. Because of these sales are vital to every retail outlet. Who does not know the laws of trade - fast progoraet.
Stock Center no surprise - they are now found on every street corner, and second-hand. The idea itself is not new, but it can be adapted to the crisis.
The essence of this idea is this: was a large room or are in the rental housing officers halls, houses of culture, etc., which are now also suffering from neglect. In the rented premises are invited to the major stores for sales. Invite only whether clothing stores or home appliances, or make a mix, offering in one place all the goods - it's up to you. Details tell the clients themselves.
In fact, get more sales fair. You can call it in different ways - «Fair« The prices in half, »or« Locate your goods »,« Mini price in maxi-shop ». Catchy title to attract maximum attention.
Enter into contracts with stores that are interested in implementing залежавшегося product can be for a long time or full time sales. If you are constantly exposed to more and more new stores, it will attract more buyers. Customers will be responsible for the new proposals, and shops - simply get rid of unwanted goods.
You can donate a place to shop sublease terms, and can take their goods to the realization of the complete elimination of the collection. Index - no prepayment. Profits will go from two sources - subtenancy and premium on the value of the goods handed over for implementation.
Every shop from time to time itself runs an action «sale». Only here do not always know about this client. And here in one place you can buy everything you need for the dumping price, always!
This business has been good at all times. Time crisis - time to start a new business. Develop the experience, connections, clients. After the crisis to the case will already be easier - just to buy the remains of a seasonal brand names at half price and sell at low prices, always with a grateful customer.
It is clear that for the opening of any retail outlet requires permission and security, cash registers and service personnel. If you take the goods to the realization - in a break-even point of such an enterprise will be released fairly quickly.
Why is it beneficial to shop? There is such a thing - good merchandising. For profitable operation of any retail outlet needs a rapid turnover, ie the goods must quickly withdraw from the shelves and hangers to make room for another, which will bring even greater gains. If for any reason the goods on a shelf залежался - shop begins to suffer losses. Approaching the new collection, but its nowhere to hang and play. Because of these sales are vital to every retail outlet. Who does not know the laws of trade - fast progoraet.
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